Northern Vermont Spring Camporee 2025

Northern Vermont Spring Camporee - Hungry Games
Please join us for the Northern Vermont Spring Camporee Hosted by Three Rivers and Long Trail Districts.
Camporee Theme
The Hungry Games Camporee will provide our scouting youth the opportunity to learn and demonstrate Scout skills and patrol teamwork.
Units attending the Hungry Games Camporee are encouraged to follow-up the camporee by organizing a food drive in their home communities to benefit their local foodbank or one of the regional foodbanks like Vermont Foodbank or Feeding Chittenden.
Camporee activities will be around patrol building and scout skills. Scout skill activities will have tasks for both Second-Class and First-Class scouts. Each activity will require scouts to demonstrate their skills and knowledge by performing a scout skill as a patrol, or by answering a scouting question as a patrol. The questions may be about information found in the Scout Handbook or the questions may be directly from rank advancement forms. Correctly completing the assigned task or correctly answering the question at each activity station will reward the patrol with a voucher for a quantity of a specific food that will be available at the Camporee Foodbank.
If a patrol successfully answers all activity questions, they will be able to redeem their vouchers for sufficient groceries to prepare a vegetable soup, stew or casserole with meat protein, plus a box of elbow macaroni, a loaf of bread, and one apple for each Scout. Patrols may use simple seasonings, cooking oil and/or butter from their chuck boxes to enhance their meal.
Mt. Norris Scout Reservation
Friday 05-16-2025 4:00 PM ET to
Sunday 05-18-2025 1:00 PM ET