2023 Norwich University Scouting Association Camporee
Event Details
Since 1987, the Norwich University Scouting Association (NUSA) has hosted a yearly camporee for Scouts across New England. This years event will include rapelling, scout skills, working with cadets from the Norwich Corps of Cadets, and building troop/scout relationships across New England. For the first time, the Green Mountain Council is assisting wtih registration. Limited registration due to the size and location of the camporee
Located in the heart of the Green Mountains, Norwich University is the oldest, private miliary school in America and home to the founding of ROTC. The NUSA is a club activity comprised of both tratiional and corps student - all with a history of scouting.
Additional information and agenda forthcoming.
When & Where
Norwich University
Friday 09-29-2023 6:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-01-2023 11:00 AM ET Past
Friday 09-29-2023 6:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-01-2023 11:00 AM ET Past
Limit One Registration Per Unit