Trail to First Class Skill Day - Hiking
Are you a Scout on their journey from Tenderfoot through First Class, or are you a Scout that would like to freshen up their skills?
Join us on October 19, 2024 from 9:00am - noon at the Dining Hall at Camp Perkins to learn or be refreshed on the Hiking Skills and requirements on the Trail to First Class.
Requirements expected to be completed:
Tenderfoot Requirements
5a. Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your personal safety on outings and in your neighborhood. Use the buddy system while on a troop or patrol outing.
5b. Describe what to do if you become lost on a hike or campout.
5c. Explain the rules of safe hiking, both on the highway and crosscountry, during the day and at night.
Second Class Requirements
3c. Describe some hazards or injuries that you might encounter on your hike and what you can do to help prevent them.2 SECOND CLASS Rank Requirements 2If you use a wheelchair or crutches, or if it is difficult for you to get around, you may substitute “trip” for “hike” in requirement 3b and 3c.
4. Identify or show evidence of at least 10 kinds of wild animals (such as birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, or mollusks) found in your local area or camping location. You may show evidence by tracks, signs, or photographs you have taken.
First Class Requirements
5a. Identify or show evidence of at least 10 kinds of native plants found in your local area or campsite location. You may show evidence by identifying fallen leaves or fallen fruit that you find in the field, or as part of a collection you have made, or by photographs you have taken.
5b. Identify two ways to obtain a weather forecast for an upcoming activity. Explain why weather forecasts are important when planning for an event.
5c. Describe at least three natural indicators of impending hazardous weather, the potential dangerous events that might result from such weather conditions, and the appropriate actions to take.
5d. Describe extreme weather conditions you might encounter in the outdoors in your local geographic area. Discuss how you would determine ahead of time the potential risk of these types of weather dangers, alternative planning considerations to avoid such risks, and how you would prepare for and respond to those weather conditions.