Eagle Trail District-Wide Fall Campout 2020

September 18 - 20, 2020
Camp James Ray
The 2020 Eagle Trail District Fall Campout is an outdoor camping event designed for all Eagle Trail District units, including Cub Scout Packs and Scouts BSA Troops. Venturing Crews are invited to help staff this event but may also attend as a participating unit.
This event differs from traditional Scouts BSA Camporee or WOW events in that troop / patrol competitions will not take place. Instead, this will be an opportunity for Scouts to camp with their unit and focus on rank advancement requirements, activity badges (Cub Scouts & Webelos), merit badges (Scouts BSA) or other outdoor instruction and activities. Limited district and unit activities will also be available.
This event will also provide an opportunity for Webelos and parents to meet and visit with Scouts BSA troops.
Cub Scout Packs will not want to miss this event which is the perfect opportunity to:
- Work on rank requirements for next year
- Complete annual swim checks
- Spend time in the outdoors camping for the weekend
- Webelos / parents will have the opportunity to meet with Scouts BSA troops
Scouts BSA Troops will want to attend this event so they can:
- Participate in an outdoor camping program, which has not been available since early March
- Provide Scouts with the opportunity to work on rank advancement, merit badges or other scout skills
- Find out the results of their unit's Order of the Arrow elections
- Have fun!
Planned activities include:
- Shooting sports (archery, BB guns, rifle and shotgun)
- Open Swim
- Swim checks
- Campfire program
- Adult Training
- Unit time to focus on advancement, badges, skills or just camping!
Event registration is $30 per person which covers all activities and meals for the weekend; camping is available at no additional charge. Please note, this event has a maximum capacity of 200 people and no walk up registration will be permitted.
Please carefully review the attached Leader's Guide for additional event details.
Camp James Ray
Friday 09-18-2020 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 09-20-2020 10:00 AM CT Past
STAFF (Adult and Youth)
Camp James Ray
Friday 09-18-2020 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 09-20-2020 10:00 AM CT Past
Webelos Camping w/Scouts BSA Troop
Camp James Ray
Friday 09-18-2020 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 09-20-2020 10:00 AM CT Past
Scouts BSA Troops
Camp James Ray
Friday 09-18-2020 6:30 PM CT to
Sunday 09-20-2020 10:00 AM CT Past