2025 Rendezvous

Camp Wisdom
April 26, 2025
(Camping available Friday 25th and Saturday 26th)
Participant Type: Venturing, Scout Scout, and Scouts BSA Youth
Rendezvous is an older Scout event and is open to co-ed youth ages 14-20 who are registered in a Venturing Crew, Sea Scout Ship or Explorer Post. It is sponsored by the Circle Ten Council's Venturing Officers association.
Rendezvous will be on the weekend of April 25 - 27. Units can arrive Friday evening or Saturday morning. Camping is optional and the event activities and lunch are Saturday only (April 26).
Additionally, the only meal being provided at the event is lunch on Saturday.
The cost for the weekend:
- Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scout, or Exploring Youth/Participant: $25 early fee / $35 regular fee (after April 11 at 11:00 p.m.)
- Adult Leaders: $15 early fee / $25 regular fee (after April 11 at 11:00 p.m.)
- Staff: $10
- Note: revervations must be paid in full and the registration completed by April 11 at 11:00 p.m. to get the early fee.
Registration Deadline is April 18 at 11:00 p.m. This is the last day to register, add/update participant information, and complete payment will be required.
There are NO late registrations and NO walk up registrations
Required Information:
The following information will be required during registration:
- First and Last Name
- Age/Date of Birth
- Scouting America membership number
- Allergy, Medical, or Dietary Restrictions (Limited ability to meet dietary restriction with lunch that is served)
- Emergency Contact Name, Cell Number, and Relationship to Scout
Documentation Required at Check-in:
- Annual Medical Health Record AB
- Unit roster (downloaded from my.scouting.org)
The event list is evolving but at this time includes:
- Shotgun
- Rifle
- Archery
- Patch trading
- Campfire
- Trail Biking
- MOAR fun is in the works!
Other information:
- This is not an overnight event. That being said there is option for Crews/Troops to use campsites. The only meal provided by the event is lunch on Saturday.
Please register early so we can accommodate everyone!
Circle Ten Council's Camp Wisdom, 6400 W. Redbird Lane, Dallas, TX
Friday Night arrivals: Event check-in will begin at 6:00 p.m. and run through 10:00 p.m.
Saturday Arrivals: Event check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 26
Saturday Program Time: Program areas will open at 10:00 a.m.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must follow the Circle Ten Council Cancellation & Refund Policy (see Attachments)
Event Contacts:
Venturing Event Advisor - JoeTavares, VOA Advisor, tavares.joseph@gmail.com
Staff Advisor - Frank Griffin, Senior District Executive, 903-312-0824, frank.griffin@scouting.org
Registration Assistance - Paula Bramble, Sr. Program Executive Admin., 214-902.6707, paula.bramble@scouting.org