2024 Kick Start Cub Scout Den and Pack Leader Training

- A Special CUB SCOUT Edition -
Presented by University of Scouting
Region 10
September 21, 2024
ALL CUB SCOUT LEADERS are invited to this special half-day of training! We will provide an OVERVIEW of the NEW CUB SCOUT PROGRAM, and then split into two tracks to delve into more detail for den leaders and pack leaders. The exciting changes to the Cub Scout Program, effective June 1, 2024, make it easier than ever to plan and execute den meeting and Pack activities. Be sure you are “in the know” so you can take FULL ADVANTAGE of the new program and all the new resources. Whether you are an experienced leader, have a new role, or are a brand new Cub Scout leader, this training has something for you!
Event Details:
- Check-in: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
- Sessions: 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
- Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 19 at 11:00 p.m.
- Location: Region 10, 400 E. Spring Valley Rd., Richardson, TX 75081
- Note: Childcare is not available. Due to space limitations and the nature of the training, we cannot accommodate any children in the sessions.
- Adult Participants: $15
- Instructors/Staff: $5
- Cancellation Policy: All attendees must follow the Cancellation & Refund Policy (HERE).
- Track 1: Pack-Specific Leader Training
Perfect for all Cubmasters, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members!- Includes Cub Scout program overview, and topics like planning the Pack year, optimizing District and Council events to energize your program, volunteer recruitment, and more! This is the “insider’s guide” to running and managing a Pack.
- Track 2: Den-Specific Leader Training
Perfect for all Den Leaders or interested parents!- Includes Cub Scout program overview, den meetings plans made easy, and how to plan the den year, introduction to Scoutbook, and top tips for managing your den! All the tools you need to get started as a Den Leader!
- Event Chair: Bob Olafson, bob.olafson@verizon.net, 972.467.1385
- Staff Advisor: Kevin Patterson, kevin.patterson@scouting.org
- Registration Assistance: Paula Bramble, paula.bramble@scouting.org, 214.902.6707