2023 Summer Camp - Camp Constantin

Come to a week long summer resident camp at
Camp Constantin, Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
for Boy Troops and Girl Troops!
Remember all adults must be registered with the BSA and have Youth Protection Training prior to coming to camp. The State of Texas has approved the online YPT to meet the Youth Camp Code.
Boy troops and girl troops must each have their own reservation, separate two-deep leadership, and deposit even if they would like to camp together.
Scout Costs
Early Registration: $325 per Scout ends May 15, 2023, at 2:59 p.m. CST
Regular Registration: $355 per Scout begins May 15, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. CST
Maverick Scout Costs (solo Scouts)
Early Registration: $400 per Scout ends May 15, 2023, at 2:59 p.m. CST
Regular Registration: $430 per Scout begins May 15, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. CST
You may select any campsite during registration. Mavericks will be grouped together and assigned a campsite.
Adult Costs
Early Registration: $200 per adult ends May 15, 2023, at 2:59 p.m. CST
Regular Registration: $230 per adult begins May 15, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. CST
Part-Time Adults may register for a daily rate of $36 per day (3 meals & 1 overnight in tent).
Units must have at least (2) leaders present on camp at all times. (2) full-time leaders will attend for free to maintain two-deep leadership regardless of number of scouts attending.
All adults must be registered members of the BSA to attend camp.
Payment Schedule
$100 non-refundable, non-transferrable deposit is due with each registration PLUS
Payments are due for each Scout on the date below:
February 14, 2023, at 10:59 p.m. (Scout: $75; Maverick Scout: $100)
March 15, 2023, at 10:59 p.m. (Scout: $125; Maverick Scout: $150)
May 15, 2023, at 2:59 p.m. (All participants: final balance due)
All payment is due in full for all participants on May 15, 2023, at 2:59 p.m.
All popcorn incentive credits must be applied prior to paying and emailed to Paula Bramble at paula.bramble@scouting.org by May 10, 2023 at 10:59 p.m. See Popcorn Incentive FAQ for details.
Cancellations: Please see the Circle Ten Council Cancellation & Refund Policy under Attachments.
All participant information is required to be entered in full by May 10, 2023, at 10:59 p.m.
Class catalog is available under the "Attachments" to view and will be available to select on March 15, 2023. at 5:00 p.m.
Scouts must be current on their fee schedule to be able to select classes.
Leader Guides
Leader Guides for the 2023 Summer Camp is available under "Attachments" and on our Summer Camp webpage at https://circleten.org/posts/1209/camp-constantin2
Parent Night
Families are welcome to visit on Friday evenings only. All visitors must pre-register online at https://scoutingevent.com/571-2023CONParentNight.
Family night may be cancelled at the discretion of the Camp Director, if needed, for health and safety reasons.
Please view the Parent Night Check-In Procedures FAQ under "Attachments".
Leaders' Meetings
All meetings will be on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5204778914. Meeting ID 520 477 8914.
- Thursday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m.
- Thursday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m.
- Thursday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-04-2023 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 06-10-2023 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 2
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-11-2023 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 06-17-2023 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 3
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-18-2023 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 06-24-2023 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 4
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 06-25-2023 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 07-01-2023 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 5
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 07-02-2023 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 07-08-2023 2:00 PM CT Past
Week 6
Camp Constantin/Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base
Sunday 07-09-2023 12:00 PM CT to
Saturday 07-15-2023 2:00 PM CT Past