2023 Camp Wisdom Fall Training Event

Camp Wisdom Fall Training Event
Camp Wisdom
November 11 - 12, 2023
Hosted by Duck Creek, Elm Fork, Iron Horse, Post Oak, Northern Trail, Chisholm Trail, Lone Star, Southern Star, East Trinity Trails Districts
BALOO is one of the required trainings for a Pack to do overnight Pack camping events. The Pack must have one leader with this training on any Pack camp out but it is recommended that Packs have several leaders with the training to make sure all Pack camp outs can be covered. This training is designed for adults over 21 who are registered as an adult leader in a Cub Scout Pack, but other adults can attend. It focuses on using the learning environment (aka camping) to teach your Scouts and parents about camping, assisting the Pack with campout planning, and to strengthen the Pack program on campouts.
Introduction To Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS)
IOLS is required for all direct contact leaders (Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters) in Scouts BSA Troops to be considered a TRAINED LEADER. It is also beneficial to Committee Chairs, Committee Members, and parents as it provides a better understanding of Scout BSA's outdoor program. Aside from covering some basic camping and outdoor information, this training covers an experiential learning of the Patrol method used by Scouts BSA troops. Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters will need to have completed the ALT/Scoutmaster Position Specific Training modules and be current for Youth Protection Training to receive a TRAINED patch at the end of the course. These online trainings and Youth Protection Training can be found at my.scouting.org. You may also attend the in-person ALT Course offered October 28, 2023. Click here to register https://scoutingevent.com/571-2023FallALTraining
If participants have already taken ALT/Position Specific Training, there will be a pre-course meeting on October 28th from 1-4pm at First United Methodist Church of Richardson. This meeting is important to attend in order to properly plan for the course. We will give out patrol assignments, discuss meal & gear planning, and give a general course orientation. There is no cost to attend this meeting. If attending this meeting is an issue, please contact Gavin Worthy, Course Director, at 214-714-8181, or gavin.worthy.bsa@gmail.com, to discuss.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)
The purpose of the ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops) course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. ILST is the first course in the series of leadership training offered to Scouts and is a replacement for Troop Leadership Training. The next course in the series is National Youth Leadership Training.
You will need to do pre-course work in my.scouting.org for either IOLS or BALOO or attend an in-person ALT training to have your position training (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, Den Leader, or Committee Chair) AND have current Youth Protection Training to earn your coveted "Trained" patch. Go to my.scouting.org to find your position specific training and Youth Protection Training. You may also attend the in-person ALT Course offered October 28, 2023. Click here to register https://scoutingevent.com/571-2023FallALTraining
Event Details
Location: Camp Wisdom 6400 W Red Bird Ln, Dallas, TX 75236
Check-In: Saturday, November 11th at 8:00 a.m.
Cancellation: All cancellations must follow the Circle Ten Council Cancellation & Refund Policy (see Attachments)
The cost of the course includes Saturday breakfast and lunch, and plenty of snacks to get you through the day. A participant packing list will go out after registration but plan on bringing your own tent, sleeping gear, a mess kit, reusable water bottle, flashlight/headlight, sun protection, rain gear, a pocket knife, and personal first aid kit (can be homemade). We will have fresh water, meals and snacks, and a great training course ready for you.
BALOO Participants: $40 per adult participant
IOLs Participants: $40 per adult participants
ILST Participants have two options to fulfill the requirement for ILST.
- $20 4-5 hour ILST course
- $40 4-5 hour ILST course AND overnight camping
Gavin Worthy, IOLS Course Director, gavin.worthy.bsa@gmail.com
Eli Temchin, BALOO Course Director, eli.temchin@gmail.com
Bill Wilson, ILST Course Director, wrw@billwilsonlaw.com
Emilia Elabed, Program Executive, emilia.elabed@scouting.org
Angy Nist, Registration Assistance, angela.nist@scouting.org
Attendees will need to be prepared to camp (rain or shine). A packing list is available upon request.
Online Registration is required to attend the training. No walk-ins will be permitted.
Camp Wisdom/Billy Sowell Scout Camp/Shirley Sowell Cub World
Saturday 11-11-2023 8:00 AM CT to
Sunday 11-12-2023 12:00 PM CT Past
Camp Wisdom/Billy Sowell Scout Camp/Shirley Sowell Cub World
Saturday 11-11-2023 8:00 AM CT to
Sunday 11-12-2023 12:00 PM CT Past
Camp Wisdom/Billy Sowell Scout Camp/Shirley Sowell Cub World
Saturday 11-11-2023 8:00 AM CT to
Sunday 11-12-2023 12:00 PM CT Past