2023 Camp James Ray Spring Cuboree
Event Details
2023 CJR Spring Cuboree
Camp James Ray
April 28-30, 2023
Hosted by Texoma Valley District
Calling all Cub Scouts from Lions to Arrow of Light Scouts! Enjoy a fun-filled weekend at Camp James Ray!
The theme for the weekend will be "Shoot for the Moon" as our Cubs learn there's nothing they can't conquer!
Some of the activities to look forward to include a scavenger hunt, BB guns, Archery, rockets, games, a knot tying station, crafts and MORE!!!
Event Details:
- Check-in: Friday, April 28th at 6:30 p.m.
- Activities start on Saturday (a schedule will be sent out prior to the event to provide more information on time for activities).
- Registration will close on Monday, April 24th at 11:00 p.m.
- (This is the deadline to register, add/change participants, update participant information, and complete payment in full).
- Cub Participant: $15
- Siblings: $10
- Adult: $10
- Staff: $10
Cancellations: All cancellations must follow the Cancellation and Refund Policy (See Attachments)
**Food will not be provided at this event. Each Pack will be responsible for their own food.**
Documentation Required at Check-in:
- Roster (one per unit or registration)
- Annual Medical Health Record AB
When & Where