Cub Scout BB & Archery Rangemaster Training
Event Details

******Required training for Cub Scout Leaders who want to be able to use the BB Gun Range or Archery Range at Camp Tom Wooten*** ***
These are two seperate classes.
Cost: $10 per class
BB Training: You'll earn the necessary certifications needed on the Cub World BB Gun range. (This course is only for those wanting to become BB Gun Range Masters). This training is limited to 16 participants.
Time: 8:00-12:00
Archery Training: You'll earn the necessary certifications needed at the Native American Village Archery Range. (This course is only for those wanting to become Archery Range Masters). This training is limited to 16 participants.
Time: 1:00-4:00
Activity Location: Hagen Lodge, Camp Tom Wooten, 785 FM 1441, Bastrop, TX 78602, US