Capitol Area Council - Conservation Award Weekend Spring 2026

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Conservation Award Weekend Spring 2026

Event Details

Conservation Award Weekend

The Capitol Area Council invites all Scouts to come learn about Conservation from professionals in the field and begin their join to earning various conservation awards, inclduing the BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award, Scouting’s highest conservation award available.

Scouts can sign up for up to 4 Conservation related merit badges.  There are also opportunties for conservation hours and classes to learn to completed any of the numerous different conservation awards available via BSA.

Registration will open Feb 1, 2026 8:00AM



  • Event is at Lost Pines Scout Reservation in Bastrop, TX


How Much

  • Youth Participants - $90
  • Adult Participants - $40
  • Price includes camping, classes, class supplies, event SWAG and meals (Friday night cracker barrel, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and Sunday Breakfast)


Event Overview

  • Scouts BSA and older youth (Venturers, Sea Scouts, Explorers) may attend Conservation Awards Weekend with their units or with their BSA-registered parent/guardian. No lone scouts.
  • Location: Lost Pines Scout Reservation  (Directions: Google | Yahoo)
  • Classes are Friday evening (limited options), Saturday morning, afternoon, evening and Sunday morning.
  • Four meals are provided: Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Sunday breakfast


Paperwork checklist

BSA camping rules: All adults staying overnight must have a current Youth Protection Training certificate and must be registered with BSA in an adult fee-required position effective September 1, 2023.

  • For every participant: bring a paper copy of your BSA Medical form parts A&B.
  • For every participant: bring a paper copy of your BSA registration for every participant. 
  • For all adults: bring a paper copy proof of unexpired YPT and your current BSA Leader Registration.

See for more information.


  • Each youth must have a designated responsible adult on site. No lone scouts.
  • Everyone on site must CHECK IN when arriving and must CHECK OUT when leaving camp at any time for any reason.
  • No vehicles are allowed in camp. Bring a wagon or backpack to transport your gear from the parking lot.
  • Potable water and restroom facilities are available.
  • If you need electricity overnight for health reasons (CPAP), please contact a CAC Staff member as soon as possible to make arrangements.
  • Classes without a minimum of scouts may be canceled. CAC reserves the right to rearrange class times to balance head counts. 
  • You may sign up as a troop or individually. Each troops shall provide a minimum of 2 adults and meet all BSA guidelines. Please strive for a ratio of 1 adult for every 4 youth.
  • Campsites will be assigned upon arrival. For troops bringing more than 10 people, please contact staff as soon as possible to ensure adequate space is reserved.


Event Schedule (subject to change)

Friday Evening

06:00pm---Check in opens

06:30pm---Insect Study Evening Class Begins

09:00pm---Check in closes

10:00pm---Insect Study Evening Class Ends

10:30pm---Lights Out

Saturday Morning

06:00am---Check in opens

07:30am---Check in closes

07:00am---Breakfast Serving Begins

07:45am---Breakfast Serving Ends

08:00am---Morning Flags Ceremony and announcements

08:30am---Saturday Morning Classes begin

12:00pm---Saturday Morning Classes end

12:00pm---Lunch begins

01:30pm---Lunch ends

01:30pm---Saturday Afternoon Classes begin

05:00pm---Saturday Afternoon Classes end

05:10pm---Evening Flag Ceremony and Announcements

05:30pm---Dinner Begins

06:30pm---Dinner Ends

06:30pm---Saturday evening Classes begin

08:00pm---Saturday evening check-out begins

10:00pm---Saturday evening Classes end

10:00pm---Saturday evening check-out end

10:30pm---Lights out

Sunday Morning

07:00am---Breakfast begins

07:30am---Breakfast ends

07:50am---Scouts Own Service

08:00am---Breakfast ends

08:00am---Morning Flags Ceremony and announcements

08:30am---Sunday Morning Classes begin

11:00pm---Check out begins

12:00pm---Sunday Morning Classes end

12:00pm---Closing flag ceremony

01:30pm---Check out ends and all souls should be off camp property


Classes Offered

Class offerings will be released shortly before registration opens. 


CLICK HERE For more information about the event




When & Where
Lost Pines Scout Reservation
Friday 04-17-2026 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 04-19-2026 1:00 PM CT
More Information