Blackland Prairie District Webelos Woods 2024

What: This camping experience, Webelos Woods, is primarily for the benefit of Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts to aid them in successfully transferring to a Scouting America troop in our Blackland Prairie District. There will will be various opportunities for Cubs to meet Scouts BSA members to discuss activities, programs, and their unit culture.
When: Friday November 8th 4:30pm Check-in. Sunday November 10th 10:00am Close Camp.
Cost: $10 for youth Webelos/Arrow of Light. $10 for Scouts BSA troop members. No cost for adult participants and leaders. This cost helps cover camping fees, Webelos Woods patch, and any other costs associated with supporting and facilitating this district wide event.
Be prepared to have a great time and enjoy the great outdoors, comraderie, and fun!
Contact: Brian Booms Kirby Junge Jeff Kinney
BP District Executive BP Program Chair BP Webelos Woods Vice Chair
(512)948-1776 (972)369-4664 (512)775-0970
Friday 11-08-2024 4:30 PM CT to
Sunday 11-10-2024 10:00 AM CT Past