Unity Cub Scout Day Camp
Event Details

Unity Cub Scout Day Camp is for boys and girls who have completed Kindergarten-4th grade.
Campers do not have to be members of BSA, but campers will be asked to keep the Scout Oath and Law while at camp. Those campers entering 1st Grade (new Tigers), will need an Adult/Parent* on-site to attend.
*Any Adult/ Parents that will be on-site during camp, will need to be registered with BSA and completion of YPT (Youth Protection Training)
*Adult/ Parents that do volunteer on-site, will be able to have their youngsters 3-5 years of age, in the Tot Lot (preschool program)
When & Where
Unity Church of the Hills
Monday 07-01-2024 9:00 AM CT to
Wednesday 07-03-2024 3:15 PM CT Past
Monday 07-01-2024 9:00 AM CT to
Wednesday 07-03-2024 3:15 PM CT Past