Mega Training Spring 2024 - BALOO

MEGA Training offers you the chance to take required training courses like Scoutmaster Leader-Specific Training, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS), or Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO). There are also optional courses, including Chaplain Training, Swimming and Water Rescue, Paddle Craft Safety, and more.
BSA Introduction to BALOO
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation Training is for all Cub Scout Leaders and parents. This training course covers the skills and resources needed to plan and conduct pack outdoor activities, particularly pack camping. Completion of this training is required before a pack can go on a campout. This course is limited to a minimum of 6 and maximum of 48.
Paperwork Needs
BSA camping rules: All adults staying overnight must have a current Youth Protection Training certificate and must be registered with BSA in an adult fee-required position effective September 1, 2023.
- For every participant: bring a paper copy of your BSA Medical form parts A&B.
- For every participant: bring a paper copy of your BSA registration for every participant.
- For all adults: bring a paper copy proof of unexpired YPT and your current BSA Leader Registration.
See for more information.