Scouts Trash the Trash 2024

Help Scouts Trash the Trash! AND, Win prizes and Earn Awards!
On Saturday, May 4th, you and your friends can join Scouts around the world to help clean up our planet! We’ve organized two cleanups: one at Zilker Park and the other at Alamo Pocket Park. Or, you can organize your own group trash pick up by choosing a location, inviting friends and fellow Scouts and showing up with trash bags, gloves, and trash grabbers! Either way, each Scout is encouraged to bring a friend or family member and everyone is encouraged to pick up 2.2 pounds of trash. If every Scout around the world collected at least 2.2 pounds of trash, we could remove 60 million pounds of trash from the world’s ecosystems! That’s the same weight as a medium sized ship or one of the new high rises in Austin!
Note to Scouters: This is a wonderful recruiting opportunity!
Zilker and Alamo Park Cleanups!
On May 4th, bring a friend and earn your Leave No Trace Certificates by participating in Leave No Trace Training and cleaning up parts of Zilker or Alamo Park!
The Park Ranger Leave No Trace Program begins at 9:00 am. The cleanup follows. Trash map locations, trash bags, disposable gloves and some reachers will be provided. Cleanup concludes at noon. You must REGISTER by April 29th to receive a certificate.
A FREE box lunch of Sub Sandwich, Chips and Cookie has been graciously donated by ThunderCloud Subs!
Zilker Cleanup: Meet at the Park Ranger Cottage to the left of the Zilker Playscape at 21046 Andrew Zilker Road
Alamo Park Cleanup: Meet at Alamo Recreation Center 2100 Alamo Street
- 9 am - 9:45 am - Leave No Trace 101 Training
- 9:45 am - 11:30 am - Trash Pick Up
- 11:30 am - noon - Lunch Provided by ThunderCloud Subs
Organize your Own Trash Pick Up!
Organize your own group trash pick up by choosing a location, inviting friends and fellow Scouts and showing up with trash bags, gloves, and trash grabbers!
Logo Contest!
We need a logo for Scouts Trash the Trash Day to bring awareness that on this day across the world when Scouts will be picking up trash to create a better world!
Eligibility: Any Scout registered with the Capital Area Council; Cub Scout, Scout or Venture Crew Scout. 1 entry per Scout.
How to Enter: Register for Scouts Trash the Trash Day and Select Logo Contest. You will receive a link to submit your entry on GOOGLE DOC. Entries must be received by Saturday May 4th by noon. Logo designs must include “Scouts Trash the Trash" and not contain any other text besides those words. Designs must be submitted in either .jpg or .pdf format. The winner will be notified via email.
Prize: The winning logo contest winner will receive a $200 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Waste Connections of Texas
Most Trash Collected Contest!
Win a Pizza Party for up to 20 of your Scout friends by collecting the most trash and recycling by weight. Register in advance and then submit results by Friday, May 10th, 2024. Designate your Group Name in the registration.
Participants are welcome to order patches from the Scouts Trash the Trash website at
Participants can also meet the requirements for:
- Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturer World Conservation Award. Participate in a conservation project as part of an approved Scouting program totaling at least three hours and that addresses a conservation need common to more than one country.
- S.C.E.N.E Award. Scouts who have started this award at Sea Base can use Scouts Trash the Trash to complete the home service project requirement.
- Take Care of Texas. Complete at least 2 hours toward a conservation project that relates to one of the merit badges previously completed.
- Advancement for Life Rank. Upon approval of your Unit Leader, this activity counts as conservation service hours for rank advancement. A total of three conservation hours are required.
- Messengers of Peace. More at:
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Thank you to our sponsors, Waste Connections, Inc, ThunderCloud Subs, HEB, Austin Parks and Recreation Department and the Colorado River Alliance
There’s more information at:
Kathleen and Addie Huff, Event Chairs
Jessica Snider Staff Advisor and Assistant Director of Support Services, 512-632-9395,
Possible Prize for Most Trash Collected Contest
Win a Pizza Party and Lake Austin Boat Ride* on the Kontiki Fun Boat for up to 20 of your Scout friends by collecting the most trash and recycling by weight. Register in advance and then submit results by Friday, May 12th, 2023. Designate your Group Name in the registration. * Includes boat ride only. If participants want to swim, all requirements of the BSA Safe Swim and Safety Afloat Guidelines must be met. Boat ride to be scheduled for weekdays based on availability.Those 13 and younger must bring lifejackets. More at:
Thank You!
Thank you to our sponsors, Waste Connections, Inc, and Kontiki Fun Boat!
Alamo Park Recreation Center
Saturday 05-04-2024
9:00 AM CT to 12:00 PM CT Past
Zilker Park
Zilker Park Playscape
Saturday 05-04-2024
9:00 AM CT to 12:00 PM CT Past
Location of your Choice
Saturday 05-04-2024
9:15 AM CT to 11:59 PM CT Past