2023 Cub-O Cub Scout Orienteering Competition
Event Details

The Cub-O is a orienteering event for Cub Scouts of all ages. Lions, Tigers, Cub, Webelos, AOL race to find all of the control points their map in a race against the clock and other dens. Compete for a medal or take an easy hike as your find all of the control points on your map. It's a great opportunity to teach youth about map reading, problem solving and strategy!
Northeast Metro Park, Pflugerville
Nov 4th, 2023 9am -2pm
$10 per Scout, adult free of charge
Limited to 200 Cub Scouts only
- 9:00-11:00am - Check in
- 9:00-1:30pm - Maze Orientation Course open
- 9:00-9:25am - Orienteering Clinic one
- 9:30-9:55am - Orienteering Clinic two
- 10:00-10:25am - Orienteering Clinic three
- 10:00-1:00pm - Point to Point Course (Traditional White Course) open, Maze Orientation course closed
- 1:30-2:00pm - Awards Ceremony
What to Bring?
- Your own sack lunch or snacks
- Water
- Sunscreen and/or a hat
- A compass
email: orienteering@troop8787.org
When & Where