2026 National Scout Jamboree
National Scout Jamboree Youth Registration and Application Process
Registering for the 2026 National Scout Jamboree is a two-step process. You register with the Middle Tennessee Council website to pay your Jamboree fees. When the National Jamboree site opens, each participant will apply through the National Scout Jamboree website to attend the Jamboree. Your application/registration process is not complete until you register on the MTC website submit and your application on the National website.
Step 1: Youth attending the Jamboree with the Middle Tennessee Council register on the MTC website and make their Jamboree payments through the same website. For youth Jamboree registrations, be sure to use youth registrant’s BSA Member ID, not a parent’s or guardian’s BSA Member ID number.
Step 2: Apply to attend the Jamboree on the National Scout Jamboree website, when it opens. All interested youth and adult applicants can apply to attend the Jamboree. Youth apply as “participants” (troop/crew members). Adults apply as volunteer staff members. Applicants follow the instructions posted on the National website. For youth Jamboree applicants, be sure to use youth applicant’s BSA Member ID, not a parent’s or guardian’s BSA Member ID number.
Scout Participant Qualifications
- MUST have a current BSA membership with a Scouts BSA troop.
- MUST be at least a First Class Scout by the first day of the Jamboree (July 22, 2026).
- MUST be at least 12 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree (July 22, 2026) and has not reached their 18th birthday by the last day of the Jamboree (July 31, 2026).
- Be approved by the unit leader and local council.
- MUST have appropriate parent/guardian to complete the online parental consent.
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
- Filed a BSA Health & Medical Record parts A, B, and C with their council within one year of attending the Jamboree. (MTC will provide specifics closer to the Jamboree.)
- Submit all registrations fees per the MTC’s payment schedule.
Venturer Participant Qualifications
- Crew members MUST have a current BSA membership with a Venturing crew.
- Has not reached their 21st birthday by the last day of the Jamboree (July 31, 2026).
- Be approved by the unit leader and local council.
- MUST have appropriate parent/guardian to complete the online parental consent.
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
- Filed a BSA Health & Medical Record parts A, B, and C with their council within one year of attending the Jamboree. (MTC will provide specifics closer to the Jamboree.)
- Submit all registrations fees per the MTC’s payment schedule.
All participant payments are non-refundable but can be transferred to another non-registered participant who replaces a cancelling participant. Additionally, application requires that the Scouts and Venturers abide by the specific policies of the Jamboree and failure of any participant to adhere to those policies will serve as grounds to have their participation revoked (with no refund).
The MTC participant fee is $2,500 per person. The participant fee includes:
- National Jamboree fee
- Two (2) training weekend campouts with the MTC Jamboree units before the Jamboree
- Stuff We All Get (proposed SWAG includes duffel bag, daypack, tee shirts, patches, etc.)
- Transportation to/from Jamboree on touring buses
- Meals to/from Jamboree
- Participants are responsible for their uniforms (two complete field/class A uniforms), personal gear (e.g., mess kit and sleeping bag), spending money, and trading patches
- All Troop/Crew gear such as tents, cots, stoves, troop pots/pans, tables, etc. will be provided by the Summit. Subject to change.
The payment schedule for the Jamboree is:
Payment Description Payment
Payment 1 $200 (at time of registration)
Payment 2 $700 (February 28, 2025) Total of $900
Payment 3 $800 (August 31, 2025) Total of $1700
Payment 4 $800 (February 28, 2026) Total of $2500