Middle Tennessee Council - 2022 Wood Badge

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2022 Wood Badge

Event Details







Leadership training at its best!  Taught by experienced Scouting leaders in an outdoor setting



August 26-28, 2022          (Friday, 7:00 am – Sunday, 5:00 pm)

September 24-25, 2022    (Saturday, 7:00 am – Sunday, 5:00 pm)

What exactly is taught in Wood Badge?

Wood Badge has always taught leadership skills. Wood Badge focuses on contemporary leadership skills and issues, integrated with Scouting’s value-based philosophy. A variety of learning opportunities including lecture, demonstration, group discussion and hands-on exercise offer participants insight into contemporary leadership theory, while providing them with specific skills that they can put to use immediately in their units. Many participants have found that they can apply what they have learned in their personal and business lives as well. While learning is the primary goal of Wood Badge, fun is also an important component.


The course fee for the 2022 Wood Badge course is $250.00, which covers all instructional materials and all food for the two weekends (except two meals during the second weekend that are furnished by the patrols). In addition, each participant will receive 3 course shirts, cap and training neckerchief. The fee also includes the Wood Badge training award that is presented following completion of the Wood Badge ticket. A fee deposit of $125.00 is due with the course online application, and the balance of the course fee is due by July 16, 2022.

Course Prerequisites:

Trained for position, currently registered as member of BSA at Council, District, or Unit level.

Advanced Preparation:

Participants will be mailed a packet in July containing information that will help them prepare for the course. This packet will include an equipment list, a personal resource survey and important information.

Health and Safety:

The Wood Badge course will be conducted in compliance with the Guide to Safe Scouting. Each participant must have a current medical form (Parts A, B & C) before he or she can attend Wood Badge, and must be able to function safely in an outdoor environment. There will be a staff medical officer who will administer first aid and assist with any medical issues that may arise.

If you have questions:

You may contact the Course Director, Kevin Phillips, at 615-478-3489.  In addition, you can call the Wood Badge Staff Adviser, Jeremy Belk at 931-252-5306.

PLEASE NOTE:  Registering for this training does NOT guarantee that you will be selected to attend.  You must meet all membership and training requirements as stated above.  If you are not selected, you will receive notice from Council along with a full refund of any fees paid.

When & Where
Wood Badge Weekend 1
Boxwell Reservation
Friday 08-26-2022 7:00 AM CT to
Sunday 08-28-2022 5:00 PM CT Past
More Information

Wood Badge Weekend 2
Boxwell Reservation
Saturday 09-24-2022 7:00 AM CT to
Sunday 09-25-2022 5:00 PM CT Past
More Information