2020 Klondike

2020 Klondike Winter Camp
December 27-30, 2020
Camp Barstow
100 Ruby Riser Rd.
Batesburg, SC 29006
What is Klondike Winter Camp:
The Klondike Winter Camp is held December 27-30 annually at Camp Barstow. This Winter Camp is held just after the Christmas holidays. A volunteer camp staff provides program help, guidance, and supervision in the area of Scout-craft, Nature, Arts, and Heritage as well as many other specialty merit badges. These may include merit badges that are required for the Eagle Scout rank.
Scouts sign-up for Merit Badges in SETs such as Fire Safety and Traffic Safety or Orienteering and Geocaching. They will stay in that SET for the day to complete work in both badges in that SET. Some merit badges will have prerequisites to be completed before attending.
What will we do:
Provide advancement opportunities for Scouts
Familiarize youth with the Scouting program through the outdoor experience
Stimulate Troop programming before, during, and after attending camp
Make friends and have FUN
Share ideas and enjoy fellowship
Camp-wide campfires and competition
Adult service project available (please contact Dennis Ely for more info.)
Who can attend:
Any registered Scouts BSA youth may attend. Registered leaders and parents may attend if they have current Youth Protection Training. Troops should make sure that all Scouts attending have adequate adult supervision at all times. Multi troops may pool their resources in order to provide an adequate number of Scouts and adult leaders to form a unit.
Cost to attend:
Cost to attend is $85.00 per Scout and $60.00 per adult. There is an additional fee for Scouts who sign-up for Cooking ($10.00) or Rifle ($20.00) or Shotgun ($30.00) Merit Badges.
Merit Badge SETs for Winter Camp 2020
SET Badge 1 Badge 2
Shoot *Rifle *Shotgun
Find Orienteering Geocaching
Fix Home Repairs Painting
Scout *Cooking *Camping
Boat Canoeing Rowing
Safety Fire Safety Traffic Safety
Dr Medicine Dentistry
CSI Fingerprinting Crime Prevention
Heritage Scouting Heritage American Heritage
Earth Sustainability Energy
Art Graphic Arts Art
Music Music Bugling
Sky Astronomy Weather
Motors Automotive Maintenance Farm Mechanics
Game Chess Sign-Signal-Codes
Tech Digital Technology Programming
Pictures Photography Movie Making
*First Year Program
Merit Badge SETs will be taught in one day during Winter Camp, either on:
Monday (morning and afternoon)
Tuesday (morning and afternoon)
Sunday (afternoon)/Wednesday (morning)
This will keep the Scouts in that SET together for a day limiting the exposure to others each day.
Some SETs may only be offered on one day and some will be offered more than one day to give more opportunities to work on those badges. This will give each Scout the chance to work on a total of six merit badges during Winter Camp.
*Scouts taking the Rifle/Shotgun SET will need to plan on both Monday and Tuesday to complete this SET. This will allow them to only take one other SET. The same will go for those taking the First Year Program and the Scout SET and will need plan on Monday and Tuesday to complete this SET.
Camp Barstow
Sunday 12-27-2020 12:00 PM ET to
Wednesday 12-30-2020 11:45 AM ET Past