Scout Pioneering Training

JANUARY 13-14, 2024
Baden-Powell said, “Pioneering is practical and character building: the two essential ingredients of any program material for Scouts. ” Learn what it takes to develop or improve a successful pioneering program in your unit, district, or council. Attendees will be introduced to the most straight forward approaches to presenting pioneering skills,participate in building traditional pioneering structures, and enjoy fun-filled pioneering activities that invariably contribute to making Scout meetings and outings really fun with positive outcomes.
Saturday, January 13 at 10:00am till Sunday, January 14 ending at 11:30am
The training will take place at Camp Coker in Society Hill, SC.
Cost: $15.00 (overnight accommodations provided for Friday early arrivals)
Open to adult participants (and youth with an adult partner)
Please note that this is a training for Troop leadership and not a Troop activity, space is limited, so please limit to 2-4 participants per Troop.
All materials provided
Lodging included
Participants will need to furnish and prepare their own meals.
Sign-up by Wednesday, January 10.
For more information, please contact Larry Green at
For mor information about Camp Coker click HERE