Cub Range Master Training
This course will provide instruction for Scouting America Cub Range Master certification. Participants must be registered Volunteers and 18+ years old. This training certifies volunteers to run BB and archery ranges for district or Council Cub Scout events or archery events at the troop, crew, and post level.
Scouting requires all Cub Scout shooting sports (including Cub Scout archery, BB guns, wrist rockets/slingshots, catapults, or rockets) to be supervised by a certified range master. At the Cub Scout level, BB guns and archery are only allowed at district and council-operated events, and may not be conducted at the pack or den level.
This training is a four-hour course that covers setting up a range, safety, handling equipment, using a bow stringer, maintaining and storing equipment, and instructing Scouts. This certification is valid for two years from the course completion date.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
The Official National Shooting Sports Manual is available here.