Wood Badge 2025

WHO – Wood Badge is designed for Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout leaders at the unit level, as well as district and council volunteers and professionals. The course content and leadership principles introduced apply to Scouters in all leadership positions. These skills provide common a leadership foundation that is beneficial for all program areas.
To attend a Wood Badge course, you must:
Be a registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America. (There is no minimum tenure requirement.)
Have completed the basic position-specific training courses for their Scouting role. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.
Complete Parts A, B, and C of the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record form. No exceptions.
Registration on or before July 31st 2025
Adventure Card Holder $400
Non-Adventure Card Holder $425
Late Registration after July 31st 2025
Adventure Card Holder $450
Non-Adventure Card Holder $475
A $75 deposit is required at the time of registration. Balance needs to be paid in full by July 31st 2025 to retain the early registration status. All registrations after July 31st 2025 will be required to be paid in full at that time.
A limited number of scholarships are available for those that may need financial assistance.
WHAT - Wood Badge is the premier adult leadership training course offered by the Boy Scouts of America. Through the years, the content of Wood Badge has gradually changed and evolved—from the campcraft and Scoutcraft skills of its early years, to more effective communication, relationship, and planning competencies today.
Wood Badge now draws upon the most current leadership models used by businesses, corporate America, university programs, the military, and other leadership entities and organizations to present the latest in leadership theory, competencies, and behaviors.
Through presentations, games, discussions, activities, and other methods you will be exposed to concepts of listening to learn; managing conflict; stages of team development; coaching & mentoring; project planning; and more.
WHERE - Both weekend will be hosted at the same location.
Weekend 1 - September 26th - 18th 2025 Yawgoog Scout Reservation - 61 Camp Yawgoog Road, Rockville, RI 02873
Weekend 2 - October 18th-19th 2025 Yawgoog Scout Reservation - 61 Camp Yawgoog Road, Rockville, RI 02873
WHY - Above and beyond the Scouting Training you learn, there are presentations that teach you how to communicate through listening and speaking, create a vision of success, leveraging diversity in your organization, solve problems through decision making and many more valuable trainings. You truly can’t experience this program anywhere like you do with the BSA.
Wood Badge will help you better understand how all the Scouting programs tie together. It will provide you with many useful leadership tools to help enable our youth to have the best possible Scouting experience. In addition, you’ll enjoy the fellowship of sharing the experience with other Scouters while having a great deal of just plain fun!
WHEN - Wood Badge is presented in two phases. The first part of the program is the practical phase. This consists of five days over two full weekends (all day Friday, Saturday & Sunday for weekend 1, Saturday/Sunday for Weekend 2) at camp. The second part of the program, the application phase, occurs after the weekends and consists of applying the skills you learn at Wood Badge to your position in Scouting.
Attendance at all five days of the training portion is required to be eligible to earn the Wood Badge recognition.
Weekend 1 - September 26th - 28th 2025
Check-in: 7:00 AM, Friday
Program Begins: 7:45 AM, Friday
Program Ends: 5:15 PM, Sunday
Weekend 2 - October 18th - 20th 2025
Check-in: 7:00 AM, Saturday
Program Begins: 8:00 AM,
Program Ends: 4:30 PM,
HOW - Register online today! Once registered, you will be automatically enrolled for Weekend 2 of the training.
Course contact: Lisa.kk.bsa@gmail.com
Meals will be provided from Lunch on Friday through Lunch on Sunday. Please arrive on Friday morning having eaten breakfast. Snacks and coffee/tea will be available throughout the weekend. If you have any allergies, please notify staff advisor Zachary.daigle@scouting.org
Please arrive dressed in a full Class A uniform on Friday morning. However, Class B’s can be worn throughout the course as directed by the staff.