NYLT Course 69 at Camp Norse & Camp Yawgoog

Please note the venue change for the 2nd Weekend
WHAT - NYLT is an exciting, action-packed program designed to provide youth members with leadership skills and experiences they can use in their home troops, crews, personal lives, and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.
The NYLT course simulates a month in the life of a troop over two weekends (Friday Night to Sunday Night).
The first day of the course provides the full schedule for Course 69. You must bring a completed medical form and a sign code of conduct.
WHO - Requirements:
Be a registered member of a BSA Troop, Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Crew
Scouts: Be between 13 and 17 years of age and be a 1st Class Scout by start of the course.
Venture’s & Sea Scouts: Be between 14 and 20 years of age.
Have Unit Leaders approval.
WHY - This all-day program is to help ensure that you are fully prepared to participate during the two weekends of the course.
WHERE - Camp Norse
112 Parting Ways Rd, Kingston, MA 02364
Check-In will be at the Camp Norse Dining Hall, which is located up the trail past the parking lot directly across from the flagpole at the baseball field.
Please Park in the parking lot, which is located after the camp entrance near the Magee Cabin and Admin Building.
WHEN - Dates of Course are Saturday March 29th (All Day), 1st Weekend is April 4th to 6th and 2nd Weekend is April 11th to 13th at Yawgoog.
Check In/Registration Start time: Saturday 8:00 AM End time: 10:00 AM
Time Program Begins: 10:00AM Ends: 8:00 PM
1st Weekend is April 4th - 6th
2nd Weekend is April 11th - 13th
HOW - Register online today!
Cost of Course will be $450.00. This cost will cover one Class B (T-Shirt), hat, supplies and meals. Early registration discount of $25.00 will run from 11/9/24 to 1/14/2025.
Registration will close on March 27th, 2025
Please come dressed in Class - A (full uniform)
Please contact: Brad Anselmo; NYLT Course Advisor, n1vuf@yahoo.com