2024 CCCBSA First Aid Meet

The First Aid Meet is a skill event for all Scouts BSA to challenge their knowledge and application of First Aid. The theme at the meet this year will feature two levels of competition:
1. Blood and Guts for those who wish to challenge themselves
2. Band-Aids for those who are there to learn.
2024 First Aid Meet Program Packet:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
2024 First Aid Meet Warm-up Problems:------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
There will also be a series of interactive scenarios that will engage the Scouts and teach them some first aid skills, through responding to “real-life” situations with Cub Scout “victims”.
The patrols will receive prizes for knowledge and application of the skills, and everyone will receive a patch!
Every patrol must bring a Victim and an adult over the age of 21, to serve as a Judge.
The First Aid Meet happens with the work and efforts of many dedicated volunteers!
**All guests use the top parking lot with burgundy banners on the light posts and enter and exit via Entrance B.**
Technical College High School Brandywine Campus (TCHS B)
Saturday 02-03-2024
7:30 AM ET to 1:00 PM ET Past