Susquehanna Council - 2023 Friends of Scouting Donation

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2023 Friends of Scouting Donation

Event Details

The Friends of Scouting campaign keeps Scouting an affordable, effective youth development program. It funds the Susquehanna Council's infrastructure, or general operating portion of the budget, and provides a support system for the 600 volunteers and 1,200 youth learning and growing through Scouting.

Friends of Scouting is an annual direct-solicitation campaign reaching out to Scout families, service organizations, and businesses and is the largest source of income for the Susquehanna Council. To the Council, a 501(c) 3 charitable organization, it costs more than $300 per year to provide quality programming for each Scout.

By donating right now online, you can choose a level of giving comfortable to you. Or if you'd like to set up a monthly automatic donation from a checking account, a popular option, please email or call Cecelia Joyce in the Council Service Center, or 570-326-5121 ext. 106. 

What does a Friends of Scouting investment provide?

  • Local programs and activities throughout the council territory
  • Family assistance & Camperships
  • A Scout Service Center that coordinates Scouting activities and a Scout Shop
  • Accident and liability insurance to protect non-registered family members
  • Camp Karoondinha, a year-round camping facility available for Scouts and partner organizations
  • Advancement programs where Scouts are recognized for learning and achievement of goals they've set
  • Distribution and development of literature and training materials
  • Leadership training for young people and adult volunteers who are or will become community leaders
When & Where
2023 Friends of Scouting
Council Service Center
Monday 03-27-2023 12:00 AM ET to
Sunday 12-31-2023 11:59 PM ET Past
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