2025 Spring OA Pow Wow

Woapeu Sisilija Lodge 343 will be holding its annual Spring Powwow at Camp Karoondinha on May 16-18.
Check in will begin at 6 p.m. on Friday, and activities will continue until 9 a.m. on Sunday. The youth will stay in cabins and tebins. The $25 fee includes a cracker barrel (snacks) on Friday night, three meals on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday.
There will be trainings focusing on developing youth leadership and improving the lodge. In addition, the lodge will be holding ceremony, dance, and drum practice. Arrowmen of all experience levels are welcome!
The 50th lodge anniversary patches that debuted last year are still available in limited quantities.
In addition to service, we will be hosting fun events and games for participants. Come and enjoy the brotherhood and fellowship. (Can't come and camp for the weekend? For $15, you can join the Lodge for dinner on Saturday!)
The $25 fee includes a cracker barrel (snacks) on Friday night, three meals on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Scouts and adults who joined the OA in 2024 as Ordeal members were given a pass for one free Lodge event in 2024-25. If they did not attend the Fall Pow Wow or the Winter Banquet, they may use their pass to attend this Pow Wow and should bring it with them to the Pow Wow. On the registration page, there is a place to click to use the pass for a free Pow Wow registration.
OA members may have purchased an "All Event Pass" in summer 2024, which gives them free admission to the Fall Pow Wow, the Winter Banquet, and the Spring Pow Wow. On the registration page, there is a place to click to apply the All Event Pass for a free Pow Wow registration.
On the registration page, you'll be asked for your age. Please supply the age you will be on May 18, so that we can follow Youth Protection policies in assigning cabins.