Skilled Trade Merit Badge College
Event Details

Merit Badge College
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Erie County Technical School, Erie, PA
Event Schedule
7am-8am - Registration
8am-8:30 - Opening
8:30-12:30 - Morning Class
12:30 - 1:30 - Lunch
1:30 - 5:30 - Afternoon Classes
5:30 - 6:00 - Closing
- Classes will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. Class size is limited.are Eagle Required Merit Badges.
- This is a “Class A” Uniform (field uniform) event, and we require them for opening and closing. We understand due to the nature of some of the classes that Activity Uniforms will be worn during some classes.
- Scouts are reminded that the first step in the Merit Badge process is to have a discussion with their Scoutmaster before they register for any classes or begin work on any merit badge(s). Scouts must bring Blue Cards for each Merit Badge they are registering for, with all parts filled out, including Scoutmaster’s signature. Blue cards will be returned to the Scout at the end of each class.
- Prerequisites are requirements that you should complete BEFORE this event. Bring all materials to class with you such as notes, pictures, reports, letters, etc. BSA Merit Badge Pamphlets are NOT required. Scouts may print and use worksheets from WE WILL BE UPDATING THESE AS SOON AS WE CAN. PLEASE CHECK BACK TO MAKE SURE YOU KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY FOR YOUR CHOSEN CLASSES.
- Adults are able to register to attend the Scouts, BSA position Specific Class and/or YPT as well, and choose to have an optional lunch added on for a $5 fee.
- Limited Edition Merit Badge College T-Shirts for registrations complete before by end of day on January 21st.
Prerequisites for each of the classes are below. Please bring proof that these are completed to class and be ready to discuss them if asked.
Class | Prerequisites |
Animation | 4a and 5 |
Fire Safety | 6 & 11 |
Metalwork |
1, 2, & 4 |
Journalism & Public Speaking |
Journalism - 4 Public Speaking - 2 and 4 |
Emergency Preparedness | 1, 2c, 7a/7b, 8b and 9b |
Citizenship in the Nation | |
Plumbing | 2a, 2b, 8a, and 8b |
Home Repair | 2b, 2c, 3, and 6 |
Electricity | 2, 7, 8, and 9a |
Welding | 1, 3, 4, 5a, and 7 |
First Aid | 5a and 5b |
Citizenship in the World | 3 and 7 |
When & Where
EIT Skill Trade Merit Badge Day
Erie County Technical School
Saturday 02-08-2025
7:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET
Erie County Technical School
Saturday 02-08-2025
7:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET