Heritage @ Home 2020

Information subject to change.
Although we are sad that summer resident camp at Heritage Reservation is not happening in person this year, we are proud to bring you a bit of Heritage Reservation at home!
Heritage @ Home is an online summer camp program for Scouts BSA members looking to keep up or get ahead on their advancement this summer and have some fun while they are at it.
Badge and activity offerings are built to encourage Scouts to get up, get outside, and not be stuck in front of a computer all day. Courses are being planned and delivered by a group of experienced, adult Heritage summer staff members and merit badge counselors.
Two week long options:
- July 12-17
- July 19-24
- Additional weeks may be added based on interest
Participant and Leader Guide
Coming Soon!
Program and Cost
Full Week Program
Full week participants can earn up to 6 merit badges, participate in fun evening programs like opening and closing campfires, games, demonstrations, and more. All full week participants will also receive a Heritage @ Home box in the mail
- $150 early rate
- $175 within two weeks
- Heritage @ Home box shipping included.
Al a Carte Classes
The al a carte option is for Scouts interested in a few badges but not participating in the full week of program. Participants will receive a 2020 camp patch.
- $35 per badge
- $15 to add on a Heritage @ Home Box
What's in the Heritage @ Home Box?
Full week participants will all receive a Heritage @ Home box containing the following:
- 2020 camp patch
- Scouting neck gaiter
- Camp Souvenirs
- Field & Stream Sponsor T-Shirt
- Class supplies and craft kits
Heritage @ Home Boxes will be mailed 1.5 weeks prior to session start. Registrations made less than 1.5 weeks prior to session start may have box delivery delayed.
What merit badges are being offered?
Although subject to change, current plans are to offer the following badges and day programs:
* denotes Eagle Required Merit Badge
- American Heritage
- Art
- Basketry/Fingerprinting
- Chemistry
- *Citizenship in the Community
- *Citizenship in the Nation
- *Communications
- Digital Technology
- *Environmental Science
- Exploration
- Genealogy
- Geocaching
- Indian Lore
- Journalism
- Nature
- Photography
- Safety
- Scouting Heritage
- Space Exploration
- Weather
- Tenderfoot to 1st Class Rank Skills Classes
Program Delivery
- All classes will be delivered using Google Classroom. Scouts will need Google accounts to participate.
- All participants should earn or recharge their Cyber Chip by going to https://www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection/cyber-chip/. Having a completed Cyber Chip is a requirement for several offered badges.
- Only registered Scouts will be provided access codes for the classes they signed up for.
- Class sizes limited to 12-15 participants.
- Each morning at 9:00 a.m., that day's assignments and activities will go live in Google Classroom for Scouts to work on throughout the day at their pace.
- Each afternoon, Camp Staff and Merit Badge Counselors will have scheduled "office hours" to meet with Scouts to answer questions, review completed work, and conduct needed discussions. Two adults will participate in each "office hour" to ensure youth protection guidelines are met.
- Requirement completion will be tracked in our registration system. Following the week, Scouts will be able to download their blue cards from the system. Copies of cards will also be emailed directly to unit leaders.
Heritage Reservation
Sunday 07-12-2020 12:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-17-2020 11:59 PM ET Past
Heritage @ Home Week 2
Heritage Reservation
Sunday 07-19-2020 12:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-24-2020 11:59 PM ET Past