Cub Scout Fishing Derby - Hooked on Scouting

8:00 - 8:30am Check-in
8:30 – 12:00pm Open fishing derby, activities, and demonstrations
12:00m – 12:15pm Admin
12:15pm – 1:00pm Awards and door prizes
Fishing Derby
All Scouts can participate in the fishing derby. You must follow state laws regarding who is required a fishing license. Please see state park regulations for fishing as well for any additional restrictions. Any adults wishing to fish must possess a valid PA fishing permit.
Win a prize for longest fish and most fish!
Other demonstrations and activities
A Pathway through the Ranks (Advancement opportunities) - Our Cub Scouts will have the opportunity to complete rank appropriate activites in the following areas.
- 9:00-9:30am - Knot tying
- 9:30-10:00am - Basic First Aid
- 10:00-10:30am - Campsite Set Up
- 10:30-11:00am - Tree & Plant Identification
- 11:00-11:30am - Fire Buiulding
Casting accuracy challenge - A chance to show off your castng skills!
- Lions, Tigers & Wolves will have 2 attempts to cast at an object 20 feet away, the closest 3 casts will win a prize.
- Bears, Webelos & AOLS will have 1 attempt to cast at an object 30 feet away, the closest 3 casts will win a prize.
We will also have some additional demonstration and activities available for Scouts to go see. These stations will be dependent on having appropriate staff volunteers to run the stations and are subject to change.
Dutch Oven - Showing how to use dutch ovens for camping meals. Proper care and general questions around equipment. Details TBD
Wildlife habitat - Beaver County Conservation District will go through what makes a good habitat for fish and other aquatic life. Details TBD.
First Aid - BAsic first aid skills that may be needed while fishing.
Leave No Trace - Talking about the importance of following the Leave No Trace principles while fishing.