2023 National Scout Jamboree

Scouting’s flagship event is one-of-a-kind. It’s a gathering of tens of thousands of Scouts, leaders, and Jamboree Service Team members that showcases everything that is great about the Boy Scouts of America. Over the course of 10 summer days, once every four years, the Boy Scouts of America gathers together. Scouts and Scouters who attend will explore all kinds of adventures—stadium shows, pioneer village, Mount Jack hikes, adventure sports and more—in the heart of one of nature’s greatest playgrounds. With 10,000 acres at the Summit to explore, there’s no shortage of opportunities to build Scouting memories.
National Jamboree is the best of Scouting rolled into 10 days of friends, fun and adventure! You won’t want to miss out, get ready to Face the Challenge and sign up to attend the Jamboree!
April 18 Jamboree Information Session - https://youtu.be/5vpsHUkxPBE
Here from the Director of the Jamboree, Dan Busby, and LHC's contingent co-coordinator, Greg Tokar, about the Jamboree and LHC's planned contingent units.
Jamboree Dates and Location
July 19-28, 2023 at Summit Bechtel Reserve, Glen Jean, WV
Laurel Highlands Council Contingent
The Laurel Highlands Council is forming contingent troops and crews to attend the Jamboree. See below for participant requirements.
Each troop consists of a maximum of 36 Scouts BSA and minimum of four unit leaders, not to exceed a total of 40. Partial troops of 10, consisting of 8 youth and 2 adults, may be formed based on registration. These partial troops will be combined with other “like” (male or female) troops from the same area to form a complete unit of 40 participants.
Venturing/Sea Scouting/Exploring crews will consist of 10, consisting of 8 youth and 2 adults. Groups must adhere to Ventruing/Sea Scouting/Exploring leadership requirements and will be grouped with other crews to form crews of 40.
The following has been updated as of August 23, 2022 based on an updated participant fee and timeline released by the BSA National Council on August 9.
$1,995 per person - If fully registered (Steps 1 and 2 completed and approved) no later than Friday, October 21, 2022.
$2,210 per person - If making a first time registration or completing an existing registration (Steps 1 and 2 completed and approved) October 22, 2022 or after.
$2,260 per person - If making a first time registration or completing an exisiting registration (Steps 1 and 2 completed and approved) March 31, 2023 or after.
Important Note (2/7/2023) - To book your registration with LHC in Step 2 below, you must fully checkout after entering all requested information. When you go to checkout, it will show you that $150 is due per person. This is the non-refundable deposit for any new registration (2/7/2023 or after). We have made adjustments to allow you to choose your payment amounts from now (2/7/2023) until 4/30/2023.
On 4/30/2023 your entire remaining balance is due.
Due to chanigng costs for trip essentials such as transportation and equipment, the above fees may change. If this happens, registrants will be notified as swiftly as possible.
There will be a $150 non-refundable deposit required to register as part of the LHC Jamboree Contingent.
The LHC Contingent Jamboree fee includes:
- The national participation fee covering program materials, food, cots, cooking equipment, and other campsite equipment during the actual Jamboree.
- Travel to and from the Jamboree via charter bus.
- Contingent equipment including tents, first aid kits, flags, and banners.
- Participant SWAG including patches, shirts, bags, hats, and other incidentals.
Participants will be provided the opportunity to purchase extra shirts, patches, and other Jamboree items.
Fundraisers may be coordinated by Jamboree contingent units to help defray the cost of participation.
Scholarship funds may become available to help defray the cost of participation. If this happens, the information will be shared with contingent members.
Registration is a two-step process:
Step 1 - National BSA Online Jamboree Registration
For National BSA Online Jamboree Registration and my.scouting account troubleshooting, see the documents linked on the right side of this page.
Prior to registering with the Laurel Highlands Council contingent, all applicants (youth and adult) must complete a National BSA Online Jamboree Registration available at https://jamboree.scouting.org/participants/. Read the information and find the button that says "Register Now."
Registrants must have a my.Scouting account with their current BSA membership number linked to the account in order to access the online registration. When registering a youth participant, the registration must be submitted using the youth's my.Scouting account. You will be prompted to create a my.Scouting account if needed.
After submitting the National BSA Online Jamboree Registration, adult registrants or the parent/guardian for a youth registrant will receive an email with the subject "2023 National Jamboree Disclaimer Invite – Action Required" containing further instructions to complete required Jamboree disclaimers. Once these disclaimers are completed, Laurel Highlands Council will be prompted to review and approve/deny the registration. This email may end up in spam/trash folders so make sure to check there if the email does not show up in a reasonable amount of time.
Submitting the National BSA Online Jamboree Registration will generate a unique six digit reservation code composed of numbers and letters (e.g. A1B2C3). Write your unique reservation code down. You will be required to enter it in your LHC Contingent registration so your National and LHC registrations can be connected.
Step 2 - LHC Contingent Registration
Complete this event registration and pay your initial deposit. You must have your six digit reservation code from your National Online Jamboree Registration to complete your LHC Contingent registraiton.
Youth Participant Qualifications
- MUST have a current BSA membership.
- MUST be at least 12 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree but have not reached their 18th birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
- Be approved by the local council.
- MUST have appropriate parent/guardian to complete the online parental consent. (An email will be sent to the parent/guardian of any applicant currently 17 years of age or younger during the application process.)
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
- Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process. The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
- Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.
Young Adult Program Participant Qualifications
- MUST have a current BSA adult membership.
- MUST be current with Youth Protection Training.
- MUST be at least 18 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree but has not reached their 21st birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
- MUST be housed as an adult due to chronological age, while allowed to participate in program consistent with a youth participant.
- Be approved by the local council.
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
- Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process. The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
- Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.
Adult Leader Participant Qualifications
Important Note: While the Jamboree is not limiting the number of adults in each unit, youth and young adults will receive priority for unit spaces. All adults will be interviewed by the LHC Jamboree Committee to determine who gets to attend should more adults express interest than there are spaces available. The LHC Jamboree Committee will also determine who serves in which Jamboree unit leadership positions.
All Jamboree Scoutmasters, First, Second, Third Assistant Scoutmasters, Unit Care Provider, and Adult Chaperones MUST meet the following requirements:
- MUST have a current BSA membership in a local council unit.
- All leaders regardless of assigned position MUST be at least 21 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree.
- Be approved by the local council.
- Scoutmaster, First, Second or Third Assistant Scoutmasters MUST currently be serving in any unit leadership position.
- Scoutmaster applicants MUST have completed appropriate leader specific training.
- All adult leaders MUST be current with Youth Protection Training.
- All adults must register online through the Jamboree registration system as a “Leader”. The council will designate specific leadership or chaperone positions at the time the Jamboree units are assigned.
- Participate and assist in planning the pre-Jamboree training experience with local council.
- The Unit Care Provider must be one of the Unit Leaders (SM or ASM) and is required to hold either current Wilderness First Aid and CPR certificates or a current healthcare license (MD, DO, APRN, RN, PA, Paramedic, EMT). This unit leader’s responsibilities include providing for the safety and well-being of each unit member by a) reviewing their AHMR and maintaining a binder/file containing all of the Unit’s AHMRs, b) maintaining the Unit First Aid Kit and providing first aid treatment within the unit and c) overseeing administration of required medications.
- Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process. The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
- Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.
Wednesday 07-19-2023 12:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-28-2023 11:59 PM ET Past