Should you wish to book multiple weeks, please follow these steps:
1. Register, check-out and pay for your first week
2. Using your email confirmation, click on the link to your booking
3. Click the Add Session button and select your next session.
4. Your information will be copied to this new session; make any necessary changes, then check-out and pay for the session
5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to add as many sessions as desired.
2025 STEM Adventure Day CampJuly 28, 2025 9:00 AM: Week 6: July 28 - August 1
Camp Garrison
Camp Garrison
Cub Scout (grades 1st - 5th)
119 Remaining
Cost: $305.00
Entering 1st - 5th grade in the 2025-26 school year. All elementary youth entering first grade are required to have an adult with them at all times so please also sign up a Parent/Guardian of 1st Grader participant. If one adult is going to be responsible for multiple first graders, they must all be on the same registration with the adult.
Youth grades 1st - 5th
119 Remaining
Cost: $325.00
Entering 1st - 5th grade in the 2025-26 school year. All elementary youth entering first grade are required to have an adult with them at all times so please also sign up a Parent/Guardian of 1st Grader participant. If one adult is going to be responsible for multiple first graders, they must all be on the same registration with the adult.
Parent/Guardian of 1st Grader
Cost: $0.00
If registering a youth entering first grade in the 2025-26 school year., you MUST register a Parent/Guardian to be with them at all times. They must be an adult but does not have to be the same person every day - parents, grandparents, adult relatives or other trusted adults can share the week - please let camp staff know which adult will attend which days.
Scouts BSA (grades 6th-8th)
119 Remaining
Cost: $325.00More Information
Youth grades 6th - 8th
119 Remaining
Cost: $345.00More Information
Adult Volunteer - Full week
Cost: $0.00More Information
Youth Volunteer (14-17 years old)
Cost: $0.00More Information
Youth Remaining
Mon 03-31-2025 11:59 PM (Youth grades 1st - 5th early discount ends)
Mon 03-31-2025 11:59 PM (Scouts BSA (grades 6th-8th) early discount ends)
Mon 03-31-2025 11:59 PM (Youth grades 6th - 8th early discount ends)