Cub Scout Program Update Program
NEW CUB PROGRAM UPDATES, a Baden-Powell District Presentation
WHO: All adults supporting the Cub Scout Program in your community, including Parents, Cubmasters, Den Leaders and potential Cub leaders.
WHAT: Join us for an Informational Presentation and a Question-and-Answer session. We will review all the new changes in detail so you can prepare your Scout/Pack/Den for the new year!
Presenters: Chuck Bolger & Dave Isgan. Chuck is a Unit Commissioner and is the New Member Coordinator for Ambler Cub Pack 164. Dave is an Eagle Scout, Asst. Scoutmaster of Troop 320 and the Cubmaster of Pack 164
WHEN: Wednesday, May 15th, 7pm.
WHERE: Upper Dublin Lutheran Fellowship Hall, 411 Susquehanna Road, Ambler PA 19002
WHY: The Cub Scout program updates were made after 5 years of research surveying parents, leaders, and even non-scout families. The changes to the Cub Scout Program will allow everyone involved to have a Fun, Simple, and Easy year!
Quick Synopsis:
Fun: All ranks complete the Bobcat Adventure first!
Simple: Six and two means six required, two elective Adventures.
Easy: Cub Scout values are clear and focused
Awards reimagined as Adventures.
The research shows turning awards into Adventures will bring more focus to important skills! For Instance, about 70% of Cub Scouts complete required Adventures. And 15% to 25% complete elective Adventures (remember, Scouts can choose among various electives, so this is a good number). But awards are earned by only 1.5% of participants!
The message? If there is an important lesson or value for Scouts to tackle, it should be part of an Adventure. Therefore, all the awards are now reimagined as Adventures.
Questions/additional information? Contact Chuck Bolger: or 215-704-2787