Spring Gun Drawing 2024

This is an adult only event and will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at the Bellamauro Social Hall located at 1017 Reynoldsville - Falls Creek Rd in Reynoldsville, PA. The first 1000 people who buy tickets will get a chance at 12 guns and 3 Cash prizes drawn during the event. No cash options for guns listed on the ticket. Winner non-transferrable. Need not be present to win.
Additional guns will be raffled during the event. Meal and beverage included in the price of the ticket. Cash bar available for mixed drinks. Must have a physical ticket to enter the event. Once paid for, tickets will be available for pickup at the Bucktail Council Service Center during regular business hours at 209 1st Street in DuBois, PA or at the Bellamauro on the day of the event. Doors open at 5pm.)
5pm - Doors open
5:30pm - Buffet begins
6pm - Drawings begin every 15 minute for the 12 guns and 3 cash prizes on the green tickets. Drawings for additional guns and the mystery gun will done throughoutg the night.