2025 The Search for Yeti Klondike Derby
Event Details
How to Prepare
Review the following:
- First Aid
- all general first aid from Scout BSA Handbook specifically for cold temperature related illness and injuries.
- Orienteering
- Study what it means to "know your gate"
- Study methods to measure distance as explained in the Scouts BSA Handbook
- Review how to read and use a physical map and compass
- Firebuilding - All the basic principles of fire-building and what to do if the area is wet.
- Animal and Plant Identification
- Study how to identify local wildlife by tracks
- Study common plant life in Western Pennsylvania
- learn how to identify said plants during the winter
If your unit does not already have a Klondike sled, click here for reference on how to construct one.
Registration closes January 31 at 11:59pm
When & Where