Juniata Valley Council - Cub Scout Day Camp 2024

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Cub Scout Day Camp 2024

Event Details

Calling all Cub Scouts.................

Join us for Cub Scout Day Camp Adventures as we explore Seven Mountains Scout Camp and everything it has to offer.   All incoming Lion through Arrow of Light Scouts are welcome for this summer camp session however please note there also is a dedicated Webelos & AOL camp session.  


Why attend Day Camp at Seven Mountains?

For........Fun, adventure, challenging yourself, long-lasting memories, and broadening your Scouting experience.  

Summer Day Camp is an opportunity for Scouts to have an experience of a lifetime while learning citizenship, compassion, cooperation, health, fitness, honesty, perseverance, positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect and responsibility.  Scouts will learn this while not even realizing it, as they are swimming, shooting BB-Guns and archery, exploring the woods, playing games and much more. The program areas will be designed around various outdoor adventure activities that will help hone Scout skills all the while having fun with others.  Our Summer Camp Staff and Volunteers will be trained to provide the best experience that Seven Mountains Scout Camp can offer.  

Please refer to the ‘Attachments’ section for additional details including a Camp Overview as well as a tentative Camp Schedule.  Full details including bus transportation scheduling will be released in the coming months.


2024 Cub Scout Day Camp Only Pricing:

  • Youth Scouts
    • If paid by 5/1/24: $52.00 per day
    • If paid by 6/1/24: $64.00 per day
    • If paid on 6/2/24 or later: $69.00 per day
  • Youth Scouts - sibling discount (approx 10%)
    • If paid by 5/1/24: $46.00 per day
    • If paid by 6/1/24: $58.00 per day
    • If paid on 6/2/24 or later: $62.00 per day
  • Adult Participants
    • $10.00 per day regardless of when paid
    • Reminder: Lion and Tiger Scouts must be accompanied by an adult
  • You may register for as many days that you wish to attend regardless of which days they are to accommodate busy schedules.  If interested in combining Day Camp with an overnight camping option, please refer to the Cub Scout Resident Family Camp event listing.


Additional Details:

  • Lunch: Lunch is provided each day to Scouts and Leaders that have signed up for Day Camp. Additional meal tickets can be purchased at the Trading Post for $10.00 per meal.  
  • Trading Post: Our Trading Post will be open this summer, stocked with your favorite treats for the Summer! Parents are encouraged to send money with their Scout or a Leader from your Pack.
  • Transportation: Bus pick up/drop off will be available at Altoona, Tyrone, Park Forest Elementary School, and Mount Nittany Middle School. Busses will arrive at camp by 8:30am and will depart at 4:00pm each day. The fee will be $10 per day per Scout. Adults ride free. Stops are subject to change based on the number of riders signed up. More details to come. 
When & Where
Cub Scout Day Camp Only
Seven Mountains Scout Camp
Sunday 07-21-2024 8:00 AM ET to
Wednesday 07-24-2024 4:00 PM ET Past
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