Pacific Trail and Pacific Shores Webelos Woods
October 18 - 20, 2024
Online registration is now closed. Please contact JL Galloway at for additions.
The purpose of Webelos Woods is to serve as an opportunity for Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts to see Scouts BSA troops in action and participate in age-appropriate activities. Ideally, Webelos Woods will serve as a recruiting and retention tool for Cub Scouts aging out of the program. As a result of Webelos Woods, Scouts should better understand ethical outdoor behavior and demonstrate Scout Spirit through following the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Cub Scouts: Your registration fee includes lodging in our fabulous Adirondacks or mini-daks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, all of the activities, and a commemorative patch.
Scouts BSA and Crews: Your registration fee includes lodging in our minidaks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, Leading all of the activities, and a commemorative patch. Units please decide on what activities you will be lead.
Staff: There is opportunity for scouts in your units to assist with staffing. OA Members would be ideal for this event. Any scout interested in staffing should reach-out to John Mudd at Please register soon, to ensure you are the added to the list.
Camp Meriwether
17500 Cape Lookout Rd.
Cloverdale, OR 97112
Participants: $30 if registered by 9/22/24. $35 if registered by10/6/24, $40 if registered after 10/6/24.
Staff: No cost, but please register online.
Refund Policy
All reservations are nonrefundable.