NYLT 2025

JUNE 22nd - 27th, 2025
Don't forget to sign up for the recognition dinner on Friday, June 14th.
A recognition event will be held on Friday.
Unit Leaders and parents may register to attend for a $TBD fee to cover cost of food.
Please be sure to list your T-Shirt size on your registration.
NYLT is an intensive, week-long camp experience for Scouts, BSA & Venturers (co-ed). Each participant works through a series of indoor and outdoor challenges with the montoring of highly skilled youth staff members. Participants are equipped with the skills necessary to become leaders in their unit and throughout their everyday lives.
NYLT is structured to represent a month in the life of a typical Scouting Unit. Participants will sleep in the outdoors, prepare meals with their teams and live by the Scout Oath and Law.