Cub Scout RangeMaster Training
Cub Scout Rangemaster Training
If you enjoy teaching youth the art and safety of shooting bb guns, archery, and sling shots, this is for you.
Each year, we offer bb, archery, and sling shot activities at various council events and these must be staffed by qualified adults. Training will start at 9:30am, Saturday August 10th and will end by 1pm. We’ll have some breakfast snacks or you can bring your own.
Training will be at Lee Glass & Window, 1002 S. Lewis, Stillwater OK entering through the east ramp door
All Rangemasters must be a registered leader with the BSA. Class A uniform is preferred.
Serving as a Rangemaster is one of the most rewarding activities an adult can do for our Scouts.
For questions, contact Steve Green via email at 405-612-8488 or Scott Wilson at
Our first event of the year is Shoot-O-Ree on September 24, at Will Rogers Scout Reservation, we need your help!
**COVID NOTES: If you have been sick, showing symptoms of, or knowingly been exposed to COVID-19 within 10 days of the event, we encourage you to not attend.