Owasippe Trails Parking Permit

Owasippe offers approximately 75 miles of trails that meander through oak savannahs, towering hills, marshy fields, and reforested lands. With a little patience and an alert eye, hikers may see any one of the 19 rare or endangered species that call Owasippe home.
While our trails are open for public use for much of the year, there are some cautions and regulations that we ask you to be aware of. Overall, we ask that users respect this property with conservation-minded principles, low-impact use, and care for the surroundings.
A parking permit is required for all vehicles.
Parking is available only at the Ad Center parking lot, located at 9900 Russell Road.
Pre-paid permits must be displayed prominently on the vehicle dashboard.
The parking fee is $15 per vehicle for a daily pass, $100 per vehicle for a seasonal pass. A seasonal pass is valid for the calendar year in which it is purchased.
Limit 4 people per vehicle.
All trails are closed starting at dusk on the second Saturday in June and re-open at dawn on the second Monday in August. There is limited access during the month of October and trails close again from November 1 through second Saturday in December. Bow hunting is permitted on the property during the months of October, so extra care should be used during that time.
Trail hours are from dawn until dusk.
MIXED USE: October 1-31
Mountain Biking is allowed Dawn-to-Dusk on the Green and Blue trails.
The Black Trail Section will be CLOSED starting Oct. 1.
Bow Hunting Season starts Oct. 1 and will be taking place sunrise to sunset in accordance with DNR hunting hour guidelines.
A land use waiver form is required to be agreed to prior to trail use. You can download a copy of that form here, and print off as many copies as you need. Waivers must be turned in at the envelope drop box at the parking kiosk.
When registering using this site, you will be required to agree to the terms of the waiver on the checkout screen. A hard-copy waiver is still required to be signed by all participants and placed in the trailhead kiosk.
Permits may be purchased here or by using the self-registration envelopes at the parking kiosk. Cash and check made out to "Pathway to Adventure Council, BSA" are accepted. All waiver forms and any on-site registration must be deposited in the yellow envelope box at the trailhead kiosk.
Hiking is available on all marked trails. There are four different colors of trail routes, and the white trails are connector trails between those routes. Plan your hike and follow the markers carefully. Click here to see a trail map.
Biking is available only on certain designated trails. See our biking trail map for those routes. Again, remain on designated trails only.
Be safe. Bring water and appropriate clothing. All trails close at dusk.
Follow us @ Owasippe Rangers | Twin Lake MI | Facebook for last minute trail updates.
Alcohol, firearms, fireworks, open flames, and overnight use are all prohibited.
Failure to follow these rules may result in towing of unregistered vehicles, notification to police of trespassing and/or destruction of property, banning users from the property, or other consequences.