OA LLD/Winter Fellowship
Winter Fellowship/LLD
Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 2:00pm to Sunday, November 12, 4:30 pm Cost is $15.00
Schiewetz Leadership Training Center
6444 Frederick Pike
Dayton, OH 45414
Have you ever wanted to become a better leader in the Lodge and even your Troop? Then consider joining us Saturday, November 11 2:00 pm through Sunday, November 12, 2023 4:30 pm at Schiewetz Leadership Training Center.
Fun starts with playing theme games, activities and LLD Trainings. All that attend this event will be provided a ticket for free giveaways. You must be present to win.
Snacks, Dinner, Breakfast and Lunch are included with your $15.00 registration. This is not a Crane pass event.
$15.00 to cover costs for materials and meals. Activities and meals are inside and we will be sleeping in the SLTC heated Cabins.
* Brotherhood will start at 8:30am on Saturday Nov, 11 and ends around 1:30pm on Satuday Nov 11. Unless you are also staying for the LLD overnight. Please wear Class A and bring workcloths for Brotherhood
Schiewetz Leadership Training Center
Saturday 11-11-2023 2:00 PM ET to
Sunday 11-12-2023 4:30 PM ET Past