Cub Scout Program Conference

The Miami Valley Council Cub Scout Program Committee is hosting a conference on March 2nd, 2024 to explain the changes to the Cub Scout program, provide key information and take aways, and answer your questions. We are asking that at least 2 leaders from EACH Cub Scout Pack please attend this conference, but ALL are welcome. Scouts BSA leaders interested in learning more about the changes to the Webelos and AOL program are welcome to attend as well.
Date: Saturday March 2, 2024
Time: 9am to 3pm
Location: Cricket Holler Scout Camp, in the K-Lodge
Light breakfast refreshments and Lunch will be provided.
Here's a rundown of what will happen on Saturday:
8:45am - doors open at the K-Lodge
9-9:30am - Gathering activities, networking, and light morning refreshments
9:30 - Opening and Introductions of the MVC Cub Scout Program Team and our Special Guest
9:45-11:45 - Program Update Presentation with Special Guest, Sidney Palomino of Tecumseh Council
12-12:30pm - Lunch is served: Enjoy sloppy joes, chips, veggies, and cookie provided by the Miami Valley Council
12:30-2:30pm - More Program Update and Q&A, Upcoming Event Announcements, and Door Prize Drawings!