Council Pinewood Derby
The Miami Valley Council Pinewood Derby will take place at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force on March 22, 2025. This exciting event promises a day of creativity, friendly competition, and community spirit. Participants can showcase their craftsmanship and racing skills on a track surrounded by history and aviation marvels.
Each Pack should send the TOP 2 racers from each den (including AOLs even if they've already crossed over into a Troop at the time of the council race) as well as ONE Best in Show car that will be judged on design only (this car will NOT race).
Cost is $5 per car. Please register as a Pack and NOT individuals.
All spectators are welcomed to come view the races. Admission into the museum is FREE and you're encouraged to take a look around while not racing!
Please see attachments section for Race Rules and Car Specifications.
Start times for each den level race will be posted here by early March.