2019 Darby Creek District Day Camp

Let the Adventure Begin
Are you ready for a Cub Scout Day Camp experience that will open your passport to adventure? Then have your Cub Scout grab their gear and join us for an awesome adventure!
Scouts will participate in many types of activities including, archery, BB-guns, field sports, nature, arts and crafts, Scout skills, solving mysteries and all-around FUN!
How Do I Register My Scout?
Cub Scout Day Camp provides fun and adventure in the outdoors for packs and dens. Day camp is an organized 5-or-4-day program, supported by trained volunteer leadership, at an approved site, during daylight or early evening hours but not overnight.
Day Camp youth participants are limited to registered Cub Scouts members. Cub Scout ranks should be determined by the grade each Scout will be entering for the 2019-2020 school year.
- Tiger Cubs (entering 1st grade)
- Wolf ( entering 2nd grade)
- Bears (entering 3rd grade)
- Webelos (entering the 4th grade)
- Arrow of Light Scouts (entering 5th grade)
The cost of Cub Scout Day camp is $85. Contact your Camp Director for opportunities to volunteer and save on the cost of camp. Fees include t-shirt, activity patch and program. A non-refundable deposit of $25 is required to complete your registration.
Health Forms
The Boy Scouts of America has established minimum standards for providing medical information prior to participating in various activities. Those standards are offered in one three-part medical form. Parts A and B are to be completed annually by all BSA unit members. Please make a copy of your health forms. They will not be returned at the completion of Day Camp. Please submit these forms when you arrive at Day Camp on the first day. Please do not send BSA Health Forms to the council office.
Day Camp Campership
The Simon Kenton Council, Boy Scouts of America, strongly believes no youth shall be denied a program experience because of lack of funds. However, every effort must be made by applicants to “earn their own way.”
Campership Procedures
- Scholarships are available for Cub Scout Day Camp.
- Only registered youth members of the Simon Kenton Council are granted scholarships.
- Full scholarships are not awarded. Due to limited funds, up to 50% of the total fee may be awarded. Only in extreme situations will more be awarded.
- The campership application has been incorporated into the event registration for Day Camp.
- More information about camperships and how to use the parent portal is available at Camp Forms
What Should I Bring to Camp?
- Personal gear in a daypack
- Lunch
- Sweater or jacket
- Rain gear
- Sunscreen
- Bring your water bottle and hat to camp every day
Cancellation Policy
**30 Days prior is full refund. Anything between 2 weeks and 30 days is 50% refund. Within 2 weeks of the event refund is at the discretion of the event coordinator or staff adviser. Usually only granted in cases of emergency. Unless otherwise stated. The $25.00 deposit is non-refundable.
Cub Scout Day Camp is a Valuable Activity for Many Reasons
- Helps packs succeed.
- Strengthens the den/pack organization for better year-round operation.
- Provides continuation of the Cub Scout program during the summer and the opportunity for units to earn the National Summertime Pack Award, Outdoor Activity Award, and to work toward qualifying for the Journey to Excellence.
- Offers character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.
- Meets individual needs and interests by offering a meaningful and educational Scouting program.
- Helps to recruit new Scouts in the den and pack during the summer.
- Provides a method of recruiting, training and inspiring present and future Cub Scout leadership.
- Promotes fun and adventure with a purpose.