BALOO 2024
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO, C32)
All Cub Scout Leaders with a desire to plan & carry out an entry level outdoor experience for the pack. This is the first step in the BSA outdoor training program & does not replace any existing training. Each Cub Scout Pack-coordinated overnight event must be under the direction of a BALOO-trained leader.
Some Things We'll Learn
- Aims & Purpose
- Planning
- Equipment
- Lunch Prep
- Campfire Planning & Demonstration
- Health & Safety (Guide to Safe Scouting)
- Fun Programs using the Round-Robin Method
- Flag Etiquette
And, of course, many Outdoor Skills
- Stoves
- Lanterns & Fire Safety
- First Aid & Sanitation
- Nature Hikes & Games
- Cub Scout Cooking
- and more!
- Be a Registered adult leader within your Pack AND complete the following online courses:
- BALOO Prerequisite Training (never expires)
- Go to > My Training > Training Center > Expanded Learning > BALOO > Take Course > BALOO Prerequisite Training > Add Plan
- Youth Protection (expires every 2 years)
- Go to > My Training > YPT > Take Course > Youth Protection Training > Add Plan
- Hazardous Weather (expires every 2 years)
- Go to > My Training > Training Center > Expanded Learning > Program Safety > Take Course > Program Safety Training > Add Plan
- BALOO Prerequisite Training (never expires)
- Learning plan for your position in Cub Scouting (go to > My Training > Requirements OR Training Center > Cub Scouting > choose the most relevant plan)
Packing List
- Classroom Kit
- Pencil/pen
- Paper
- Current BSA Medical Form (Parts A & B)
- Camping Kit
- Tent
- Sleeping Bag
- Sleeping Pad
- Lightweight Blanket
- Flashlight (or headlamp)*
- Water bottle*
- Pocket Knife (and a sharpening stone if you have one)
- Personal First Aid Kit*
- Personal Camping Chair
- Sun Protection*
- Whistle*
- Clothing Kit (dress for the weather!)
- Scout Field Uniform (shirt, pants, neckerchief if that is your Pack's tradition)
- Scout Activity Uniform (Pack/Camp/BSA T-Shirt)
- Rain Coat and Rain Pants
- Hat
- Gloves**
- Sweater/Sweatshirt
- Long Underwear top and bottom**
- Long-sleeved Undershirt (quick-dry recommended)
- 2 extra pair of heavy wool socks (trust us, no cotton!)
- Boots
- Sleeping Clothes (because you don't want to climb into your sleeping bag in the same damp clothes you've been wearing all day)
- Personal Eating Kit
- Cup
- Spoon
- Fork
- Plate, etc.
- Personal Snack*
- Hygiene Kit (Showers are available but not required)
- Toothbrush and Toothpaste
- Soap
- Wash Cloth
- Towel
- Comb
- Personal Medications**
- Hand Sanitizer
*Cub Scout 6 Essentials
**Cold-weather Camping Item
Event Cost (includes food and refreshments): $35
Optional: Friday Night Arrivals cost $10 extra (includes breakfast Saturday morning)
**Minimum Number of Participants is 8, Maximum 48. If minimum numbers aren't met by 2 weeks before the training, registrants will be notified and any paid fees will be applied to a future session of BALOO or refunded.**
Registration closes the Monday before the event at 11:59pm
Note that a BALOO-trained adult leader is not necessary to attend council-organized events. That requirement is fulfilled by the event staff.
Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-07-2024 8:00 AM ET to
Sunday 09-08-2024 12:00 PM ET
Spring, Firelands
Firelands Scout Reservation (Camp Avery Hand)
Saturday 04-27-2024 8:00 AM ET to
Sunday 04-28-2024 12:00 PM ET Past