Wood Badge & NYLT Scholarship Breakfast 2023

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Lake Erie Council
Wood Badge & NYLT Breakfast
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Lakewood High School
Doors OPEN at 8:00 AM - Program BEGINS at 9:00 AM
Join us for delicious food and warm fellowship as we celebrate accomplishments in Wood Badge and NYLT in the Lake Erie Council.
Proceeds from this event go toward helping the next generation of Wood Badge and NYLT participants to attend their life-changing course!
If you are interested in having a totem or business card included in the Program Booklet, you may upload and pay for your totems through your online registration. This takes place on the main "Registration Contact" section of the registration website. See your registration or the "Ads and Totems Letter" for more information.
Event Cost:
$20 for adults (Early Bird: $15 if paid by Sunday, February 5th at 11:59PM)
$7.50 for youth
Registration Closes on March 5th at 11:59PM
**Walk-Ins (non-registered guests) will be $25.00 Adults and $15.00 Youth. Walk-In guests will not be guaranteed a meal.**
If you would like to support the mission of the Wood Badge & NYLT Scholarship Breakfast, however, are unable to attend or would like to donate additional funds, there is an opportunity to donate to the scholarship fund. To start the donation, please click on the "Register" button.