Lake Erie Council - MBU Online: March 2021

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MBU Online: March 2021

Event Details

Merit Badge University: March Online Edition


  • Small class size
  • Individual attention
  • Save travel time by experiencing the Scouting Adventure from Home
  • Pick and choose what merit badges you would like to pursue


Zoom classes take place at the same time for each of the days listed on the registration, though some of that time is set aside for homework. It will be rare that a zoom class goes for the full allotted time.



  • Early Bird Fee: $15.00
  • Regular Fee: $20.00  (Starts 7 days before the first scheduled session)

Registration is open until midnight the day before the first scheduled session.

Class size is limited to 14 Scouts!

Scouts may be required to purchase supplies to complete the merit badge. Details will be found in the program guide of the registration page. 

Badges Offered

Please check the registration schedule (or to the right) for the dates each are offered.

While we try to limit the amount of pre-work is required and rely on homework instead, some badges do have items to prepare for ahead of time....Please see the attachment section in the event registration.

Wilderness Survival:

Scouts working on the Wilderness Survival merit badge learn to anticipate and avoid the hazards involved in backcountry adventures. They put together a first aid kit and build a natural shelter. They also learn how to treat water, be aware of weather conditions, and light a fire without matches.

Please see the attachments on the registration page for instructions about prework.


While working on the requirements for the Law merit badge, Scouts learn about the history of law and the difference between civil law and criminal law. They investigate the different areas of law and find out about careers which are related to legal matters.


Requirement 4. Ask five people (not more than one from your immediate family) about the role of law enforcement officers in our society. Discuss their answers with them. Go to a law enforcement officer in your neighborhood and ask him about his responsibilities and duties. Report your findings.

Requirement 6. Do ONE of the following:
A. Attend a session of a civil or criminal court. Write 250 words or more on what you saw.
B. Plan and conduct a mock trial with your troop or school class. After the trial is over, discuss it with the group.

Citizenship in the World:

Scouts explore what it means to be a member of the global community while working on the Citizenship in the World merit badge. They learn about international law and international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the European Union. Scouts also find out about relationships between nations and the role of the US State Department and ambassadors.

The pre-reqs for Citizenship in the World will be 3, 4b, and 7.


Scouts learn about the skills they need to succeed at school while working on the Scholarship merit badge. They explore different types of study skills and the importance of extracurricular activities. Scouts also investigate how their current education can impact their future career.


#1-bring report cards from the most recent two consecutive terms that show grade point of a B or higher and that show growth from the first term to the second.

#2-bring your two choices prepared from a, b, c, or d

#3-bring a note from your principal that states your academic behavior, leadership, and success have been satisfactory

#4-be prepared to discuss either a or b. Bring evidence of your choice.

#5-bring a 250-300 word essay discussing your choice of either 

a-how your education is of value to you in the future or 

b-discuss 2 careers that interest you and how you will achieve those career goals.


Scouts working on the Sustainability merit badge learn to conserve energy at home and think about how their food, housing, and consumption choices impact society at large. They make a plan to use the Earth’s resources more wisely. They also learn how the Scout Law and the Scout Oath promote more sustainable communities.


Requirement 1. Before starting work on any other requirements for this merit badge, write in your own words the meaning of sustainability. Explain how you think conservation and stewardship of our natural resources relate to sustainability. Have a family meeting, and ask family members to write down what they think sustainability means. Be sure to take notes. You will need this information again for requirement 5.


Requirement 2: complete part a) for each focus area.  These will take the most time to complete so try and do them before we meet.   Please use an electronic merit badge worksheet so that it is easy to share your work with me.   One example for this badge is this one.


When & Where
Law March (2,3)
MBU: Online Edition
Tuesday 03-02-2021
6:30 PM ET to 8:30 PM ET Past
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Wilderness Survival March (4,11,18)
MBU: Online Edition
Thursday 03-04-2021
6:30 PM ET to 8:30 PM ET Past
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Citizenship in the World (March 9,10)
MBU: Online Edition
Tuesday 03-09-2021
6:30 PM ET to 8:30 PM ET Past
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Scholarship March (16,17)
MBU: Online Edition
Tuesday 03-16-2021
6:30 PM ET to 8:30 PM ET Past
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Sustainability March (23,24,25)
MBU: Online Edition
Tuesday 03-23-2021
6:30 PM ET to 8:30 PM ET Past
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