2024 Wood Badge Training Course

What is Wood Badge?
The Wood Badge course is an internationally recognized leadership development course, with leadership skills taught that are equal to or better than any current leadership training in the industry today.
The course uses indoor and outdoor settings to teach the essentials of leadership. You will learn what makes leadership work and how it works for you and your unit. You will learn to apply those skills to help your unit function more effectively as a team. You will become a better manager by practicing these skills. Finally, you will have the opportunity to state your goals as a leader (your “Ticket”) and implement a plan to achieve these goals.
The positive influence of this course is unparalleled and applies to our everyday lives in our units, at home, and at work.
You must attend both weekends of the course to complete Wood Badge.
Camp Stambaugh
Friday 09-13-2024 7:30 AM ET to
Sunday 09-15-2024 8:30 PM ET Past
Weekend 2: Camp Stambaugh
Camp Stambaugh
Saturday 10-12-2024 7:30 AM ET to
Sunday 10-13-2024 9:00 PM ET Past