Great Trail Council - Summer Camp at Camp Manatoc 2020

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Summer Camp at Camp Manatoc 2020

Event Details

We will be publishing the link and other registration information for the "Camp in a Box" soon. Please mark June 13 at 10am for a virtual meeting discussing the program (link will be posted here)

Statement to accompany the Leader Announcement Video
(the script)


Scouts and Scouters have been coming to summer camp at Manatoc since 1923, so for the past 97 summers, thousands and thousands of young men, and now young women, have passed through our gate on their journeys to becoming leaders of integrity who understand their duty to God, country, and others.  
Through the decades, Manatoc experienced the Great Depression, when funding for camp was difficult.  World War II came and Manatoc continued with few adult leaders because so many went off to war or worked multiple shifts for the war effort.  Manatoc survived the turbulent sixties and has seen fires, floods, tornadoes, extreme heat, frigid cold, became part of a National Park, and even survived burned razor-back steaks.
But now, we find ourselves dealing with something we have never had to deal with before.  We all know the disruption COVID-19 has brought to our state, nation, and world.  Because of this disruption and the changes that we are faced with, we have had to make an important decision about this summer; a summer like none other.
Thank you again for your service and patience.  I understand how frustrated you may have been waiting for information.
The Manatoc Camp Management Team began planning for 2020 last August and met monthly to develop a quality program based on your 2019 Evaluations and a theme centered on the 2020 Olympics.
The physical meetings had to end at the beginning of March and by the end of the month, the team realized this summer would be different; like it or not.  
I want to thank the members of this team and for the countless hours they have spent in discussion trying to make a decision with two goals in mind: 1) keeping the scouts, leaders, and staff safe, and 2) providing a quality program.
I would like to thank not only Bill and Allen, but also Nate Watson, David Weyrick, Ben Koester, Kip Shipley, Jim Nilsen, and Elmer Shultz.  I can’t think of a better team to work with.  Consider this.  This group, collectively, has more than 320 years in Scouting; more than 100 of those as unit leaders, and 97 years of camp staff experience.  Seven are Eagle Scouts and seven are Vigil Honor Members of the OA.  
Needless to say, they have a great deal of experience and leadership abilities to come up with the best decision for this summer.
The Team has met virtually every week since March and there were many one-on-one calls in between the meetings. For me, there hasn’t been a single day without a camp call or conversation.  I know that Nate Watson has had many conversations working closely with the Summit County Public Health Department.
Our Team developed several scenarios.  As a matter of fact, we literally had Plans A through J on paper and were ready to initiate any one of them depending on the circumstances.    
To be totally honest with you, the Team has had to face reality in making a decision for 2020.  Our decision is based on our combined experience, the guidelines of the CDC, the American Camp Association, the National Council of the BSA, the latest urgent health advisory issued by Governor DeWine called “Ohioans Protecting Ohioans” and we can only offer our programs based on the support of the Summit County Public Health Department.
The Team’s decision goes back to our Scout Law.  We are being obedient by obeying the laws of our community.
So, what did we decide?  Two things. First of all, we are canceling our Webelos Resident Camp this summer.  Our decision was not only based on safety and a quality program, but also feedback from a survey of parents which indicated that a large majority of them did not feel comfortable with their sons or daughters attending Webelos resident camp at this time.
Second, in regard to Scouts BSA camp, we will offer a virtual camp experience instead of actually being at Manatoc.  The decision of having this virtual summer camp experience is the best option that meets our two goals of keeping everyone safe and providing a quality program.
We call this new format, “Summer Camp in a Box.”  We will be getting more information out to you in the days ahead.  But for now, write down these three important pieces of information.
First of all, you can get an idea of how “Summer Camp in a Box” will work by going to our new and developing website which is located at  It will be updated on a regular basis.
Secondly, plan to join us for a virtual Leaders’ Meeting on Saturday June 13 at 10am when we will go into more detail.   We will send out that meeting invitation in the days ahead.
Third is your reservation for 2021.  No doubt you have questions about that already.  Allen will explain.
Reservation wise, since every unit has already made a deposit for 2020, in order to ensure an orderly transition to 2021, each unit will need to log into its 2020 account and click on the yellow button that says “2021 reserve your unit now.” 
You will then have the option to move funds out of your 2020 Account to your new 2021 Account.  We will make sure that your campsite is carried over from the pre-covid campsite alignment. A minimum of $100 must be in your 2021 account. Once a unit has moved its funds from 2020 to 2021 your 2020 account can be “canceled.”  You can cancel your 2020 account under the “More” tab, or we can do it once we see your 2021 account has been created.
Additional funds you have placed in your account (parents paying early, or individually) can be refunded via the method they were applied when possible or carried over.
Campsite changes, week changes, and new units will be worked after September 1st as usual.
 Since 1923, the Spell of Marnoc has been read at Manatoc’s closing ceremonies.  The poem ends with our camp’s beloved words, “To These Things You Must Return.” 
I know our entire team and no doubt you as well look forward to returning, whenever that may be.
But for 2020, we will be experiencing a different format but one that will provide opportunities for your scouts to learn and grow as they pass through our virtual gate on their journeys to becoming leaders of integrity who understand their duty to God, duty to country, and duty to others.  
Thanks again for your patience and for your time.  I look forward to meeting with you on June 13 at 10am. 

Campsite Matrix

Campsite availability is shown in real time for each session of camp. The GTC reserves the ability to change your campsite to match your unit size.

(capacity: 1 unit, min 17*, max 24)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 4*, max 20)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 4*, max 20)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 2 units, min 32*, max 60)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 19*, max 30)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 21*, max 40)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Cedar Point
(capacity: 1 unit, min 4*, max 20)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Cherry Cove
(capacity: 1 unit, min 4*, max 20)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 2 units, min 32*, max 50)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 18*, max 30)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 12*, max 30)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Dan Beard
(capacity: 1 unit, min 23*, max 38)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Davey Crockett
(capacity: 2 units, min 12*, max 46)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Dan Boone
(capacity: 1 unit, min 4*, max 18)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
127B CA
7127G CA
Kit Carson
(capacity: 1 unit, min 4*, max 18)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 23*, max 38)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 4*, max 16)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Vale Edge
(capacity: 1 unit, min 12*, max 28)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Valley View
(capacity: 1 unit, min 21*, max 38)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Valley Forge
(capacity: 1 unit, min 17*, max 30)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 12*, max 20)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
(capacity: 1 unit, min 21*, max 30)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
192B LEC
Week 4
Week 5
No units or participants registered for campsite
Campsite is reserved but has room for additional unit(s)
Campsite has reached unit or participant limit
*Minimum unit size only applies to the 1st unit in the campsite.
When & Where
Week 1
Camp Manatoc
Sunday 06-21-2020 1:00 PM ET to
Saturday 06-27-2020 11:00 AM ET Past
Limit One Registration Per Unit
More Information

Week 2
Camp Manatoc
Sunday 06-28-2020 1:00 PM ET to
Saturday 07-04-2020 11:00 AM ET Past
Limit One Registration Per Unit
More Information

Week 3
Camp Manatoc
Sunday 07-05-2020 1:00 PM ET to
Saturday 07-11-2020 11:00 AM ET Past
Limit One Registration Per Unit
More Information

Week 4
Camp Manatoc
Sunday 07-12-2020 1:00 PM ET to
Saturday 07-18-2020 11:00 AM ET Past
Limit One Registration Per Unit
More Information

Week 5
Camp Manatoc
Sunday 07-19-2020 1:00 PM ET to
Saturday 07-25-2020 11:00 AM ET Past
Limit One Registration Per Unit
More Information