Great Trail Council - Freeze Out

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Freeze Out

Event Details

Cub Scout Freeze Out 2024

Freeze Out is an annual fun, event bringing all Cub Scouts together to enjoy a Cub Scout-focused winter event.

The program reinforces Cub Scout program values, procedures, methods and skills. There is also the thrill of cabin camping in the winter if Cub Scouts are willing to take the challenge (Friday evening for Session A registrants, or Saturday evening for Session B registrants).

Who is Invited to Join In On the Fun at Freeze Out? 

  • Program Registration is open to ANY Cub Scout Unit in Great Trail Council, out-of-council registrants welcome if space allows.

Cabin Assignments:

  • We have winter cabin camping limitations for 172 people.
  • Cabins are assigned by the program to ensure that space is used optimally and to make room for as many registered Cub Scouts as possible.
  • One Cabin will be assigned per unit on first-come, first-assigned basis of time-stamped unit registration.
    • UNITS MUST REGISTER THROUGH THEIR UNIT to ensure cabin registration. Individual member registrations as lone Cub Scouts will be offered a lower, day-rate only and will not be assigned Cabin space.
    • Cabin camping must follow all GTSS and YPT required protocol regarding gender and age separations.
    • Following all BSA GTSS and YPT regulations, units may manage their own cabin assignments. However, it is recommended that Units offer older Cub Scouts first privilege of overnight cabin camping thereby allowing Webelos and Arrow of Light scouts one of thier last winter camp opportunities in their Cub Scout experience.
    • The minimum cabin capacity is 16 people, maximum cabin capacity is 24 people. 
    • Units will be responsible for determining and creating a final, on-camp roster at check-in.
    • Units will be assigned Cabin Assignments to support BSA Required Cabin Camping YPT regulations, which might include units sharing cabins, or a female cabin.
    • Attendees registered for Freeze Out once we are over cabin capacity will be refunded to a day-only rate ($7), after the final cabin assignment has been processed. Camp Director will notify units and regsitrants if this happens.
    • Cabin campers are responsible for check-in/check-out of the cabin according to the direction of the Camp Master.
    • All rules and regulations of Camp Stambaugh, and direction of the Camp Master are to be followed while camping and during the program.

Adult supervision of Cub Scouts, siblings and guests are the responsibility of the  Unit.

  • Adult Supervision must follow BSA regulation (Lions + Tigers require Adult Partners On-Site). Plan on meeting all requirements, including:
    • Two (2) registered leaders
    • Plus 5:1 youth to adult
    • Any required female registered leader for any female youth attending.
    • Required Lion + Tiger Adult Partners count toward your required 5:1 youth to adult ratio.
    • Siblings and other unregistered youth must have their adult/parent in attendance.

Lions are always welcome!

  • Lions will be included. Shooting sports offered meet the Lions program guidelines, and will be Slingshot based. 

Youth/Siblings Policy for 2024
Our primary program goal is to serve as many registered Cub Scout Youth, who will have first priority in cabin and program space. Siblings will be asked to sign-up to join the program Wait List. Once all intereted Cub Scouts have been registered, we will review and invite siblings to join the program. If registered, under age tag-alongs will not be allowed to participate in shooting sports, per GTSS regulations. 

Cub Scout aged siblings must be registered members of Cub Scouts. ScoutsBSA age youth must be registered as members of ScoutsBSA, and must be invited to join with the approval of the Cub Unit Leader they are intereted in supporting as Den Chiefs. ScoutsBSA youth are expected to participate as program assistants, not partipants.

  • Adult supervision of non-registered youth are the responsibility of the parent who must be in attendance at the Program (including ScoutsBSA age attendees) and must follow BSA regulation.

In case of a sell-out event:

  • A time-stamped wait-list will be created.
  • Our primary goal is to serve registered Cub Scout Youth at this event, we will try to get as many Registered Cub Scouts to attend as possible.
  • Non-registered Scout Attendees (Non-Registered Adults who are not Lion or Tiger Adult Partners and Siblings) may be refunded within adult: youth ratio requirements. 
  • Event Wait-List will not be reviewed until the final registration closes,

Come join in Scout Fellowship
Adults will have an opportunity to meet adults and leaders from other units, ScoutsBSA youth from area Troops and District Representatives who are at the program in the spirit of cheerful Scout Service.

All BSA Camping and Safety Regulations will be followed, including:
All Youth Protection guidelines.
All required, unit-led adult supervision.
All Camping regulations.*

* Regarding Winter Tent Camping For Cub Scouts
Freeze Out, while sponsored by Stambaugh Distrct, is a Council-level Camp event. We will follow all Cub Scout National Camping Standards and all Great Trail Council policy.

For Great Trail Council, Winter Camping for Cubs District standard:

Unless the temperature is reasonably predicted to be above 32 degrees or warmer, Cub Scouts are not permitted to winter camp.

The risk to the youth (hypothermia due to poor camping setup) and to the potential of the youth having a bad camping experience is too high to mitigate at this time. No Cub Scout unit camping will be permitted.

Adult wishing to camp outside in tents are welcome to at their own discretion and are expected to have the requisite gear and knowledge to do so safely.

When & Where
GTC Cub Scout Freezeout - Morning
Camp Stambaugh
Saturday 02-03-2024
8:15 AM ET to 12:15 PM ET Past
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GTC Cub Scout Freezeout - Afternoon
Camp Stambaugh
Saturday 02-03-2024
1:00 PM ET to 5:15 PM ET Past
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