2021 Weekends at Wehinahpay

In order to help re-start our Scouts BSA units we'd like to offer a new experience this summer for units to participate in: Weekends at Wehinahpay. These short-term events are done as a way to supplement and support your unit.
All participants must adhere to our COVID-19 Guidelines and have a signed waiver.
We hope that with them being a shorter duration than normal you can have your Scouts invite a friend to join them so that they can experience some of the magic of Scouting.
There will be up to three weekends that your unit can attend:
- June 11th to June 13th
- July 2nd to July 4th
- July 30th to August 1st
The weekends are designed to have units arrive Friday morning around 11am and depart by Sunday at 11am. The weekends will feature some program area stations available to your unit and the above bullet point list will be updated when those offerings are confirmed.
Based on input from our Scoutmasters we are asking your unit to handle food for your unit during your stay.
Wehinahpay Mountain Camp
Friday 06-11-2021 11:00 AM MT to
Sunday 06-13-2021 11:00 AM MT Past
Weekend 2
Wehinahpay Mountain Camp
Friday 07-02-2021 11:00 AM MT to
Sunday 07-04-2021 11:00 AM MT Past
Weekend 3
Wehinahpay Mountain Camp
Friday 07-30-2021 11:00 AM MT to
Sunday 08-01-2021 11:00 AM MT Past